-2- Topic of Marriage

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The following morning, Yuri opened her eyes. The sun was coming into view and she still had time to change. She pulled off her sleeping robes and changed into a simple pink dress. She pulled her brush through her hair multiple times before smiling. "There. That should do it." she slipped on her flats before rushing out. "Soo-Won! Hak-niisan!" she called once she reached the ledge overshadowing the archery field.

They both held their fire and looked up to the young princess. She smiled and asked, "Can I go down?"

"Yuri? Sure." Yuri giggled. She pulled herself over the railing and stood up. "Yuri?" Soo-Won's worried voice called up to her.

She inhaled and lunged outward. Seeing how the railing of the balcony was about 2 feet away from the dirt wall around the archery field, Yuri was pretty sure she'd land somewhere around where she was supposed to be. She was a bit off. Seeing how the added amount space she had to jump over was about 4 ½ feet away. She usually could jump barely 4 feet. Her foot landed on the dirt wall, causing her to slip and fall forward.

She didn't know what would happen to her but the height of the hill was about 7 feet and she, for some reason, didn't seem to panic. She laughed and she fell into someone's arms. She slipped out of his embrace and linked her fingers behind her back, smiling, "Arigato1, Hak-niisan."

"Why do I have to put up with you, himesama?" he grouched, not showing the relief that he managed to catch her.

"The two of you seem perfect for each other." Soo-Won smiled.

Yuri looked up and laughed childishly, "No, not really. Hak-niisan is 'niisan', after all."

"Ah, I see." Soo-Won sweat-dropped.

Yuri cocked her head, "Is Hak-niisan anything more than 'niisan'?" she wondered, confused. "Like Soo-Won is itoko2, right?"

"I guess so." Soo-Won blinked, smiling.

Yuri hummed, "May I ride too?" she asked, smiling hopefully.

"Himesama is too heavy, Hoshi3 will die." Hak teased.

"Hoshi?" Soo-Won asked, cocking his head.

"I ride Hoshi all the time!" Yuri retaliated, pouting.

"Fine, I'll have them call her over." Hak rolled his eyes in a funny manner. Yuri smiled in delight and nodded earnestly. "Okay!"

As the brown horse came into view, Yuri rushed over, squealing, "Hoshi!" On the forehead of the horse was a star shaped emblem. The hair on the star was a lighter tan instead of the dark brown. She looked at Hak with hope, "Hak-niisan?"

"Fine." he sighed. He helped put on the saddle. Yuri hitched up her dress and placed her foot on the stirrup4 of the saddle. She reached up to grab the pommel5 when Hak pushed her up onto the seat of the saddle really quickly, making her squeal in surprise. "Mou6, Hak-niisan!"

"You take too long to get on a horse." Hak told her, sticking out his tongue. She stuck her tongue out back at him.

She pulled at her dress and slipped her feet into the two stirrups. She pulled the reins and let Hoshi gallop across the dirt field. Her long hair flew with the wind and she laughed in joy. Soo-Won and Hak smiled at each other before starting their archery practice. As Yuri pulled the reins so Hoshi slowed to a trot, she turned back and walked towards the boys. She hummed a tune to herself as she rose on the gallant mare. She stopped as they began to shoot and ride. She led Hoshi against the wall. She turned and watched them with happiness.

Their joy they had made her happy. As they drew their bows and shot their arrows to the target, she grinned to herself, "I want to try too." Then she heard her sister. She looked up to see her father and her sister arguing about something. She smiled and waved at her sister, beckoning her down, "Yona-neesan!"

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