When you learned to walk

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Tony and Pepper were sitting in the living room talking about Stark Industries. You were sitting on the floor on top of your blanket listening to them. You hated listening to this conversation plus they started to yell at each other. 

You stood up and walked over to them. You put your arms on Peppers legs and she looked down at you. Her mouth opened and Tony looked to see you there. Pepper picks you up and smiles. Tony kisses the side of yours and Peppers heads. You were happy they stopped fighting.


You were sitting on the floor of Bruce's lab. He was trying to fix something. He was looking around his desk and looks at you. "You wouldn't have happened to see a screw anywhere?" He asks looking back at his project. 

You look next to you and see a nail and pick it up. You walk it over to Bruce. You hand it up to Bruce. He looks down at you and smiles. He picks you up and sets you on his desk and continues to work and you would hand him things he needed when it was next to you.


Clint and Natasha were in the shooting range. They had set you far from them so they wouldn't hit you. They were practicing shooting a target when you saw your dad get hit by something. 

You sigh and begin to walk in front of the target. Natashas eyes go wide and she runs and grabs you getting shot in the arm herself. Clint runs to you two and you all sit on the ground. They were happy you didn't get hurt but you had given your parents a heart attack.


You were sitting on the floor of the sitting room for Thor, Loki, and the Warriors Three. You stood up when everybody but Sif and Thor had left. You began to walk to the fire but niether of them were paying attention. 

Sif looks up as you reach for the flames and jumps up and grabs your waist and yanks you away. Thor looks at Sif holding you and smiles. Sif sits down with you sitting on her lap. You giggle and she smiles.  You giggle again and she laughs a bit. You were happy. 

Thor was exited that you had walked, nervous that you almost died, and were happy that you finally heard Sif laugh for once win a while.


You and Loki were sitting in your room. He was sitting on the floor reading a book and you were playing with toys. You look at Loki and wanted attention. You push yourself up using the small table.

Loki felt a block hit his face and looked up angry. He saw you standing and had walked all the way over to him. You had thrown a block right at him. He smiles and sets his book down. You had an angry face on. He picks you up and sets you in his lap. 

He picks up his book and begins to read to you. 


You were sitting wearing your red jacket. You look at Wanda who was flipping through tv channels. You watch her then look at the tv. You saw a tv show you liked and started to babble but Wanda hadn't heard you. 

You stand up and walk to her. You yank on the bottom of her dress and she looks down at you shocked. She stands up and picks you up and spins you around. She tickles you and sits back down and turns on the show. You smile.


Pietro was asleep and Tony was over with you. He told you to go to his room and put a piece of bread in Pietros mouth. You nod a bit not understanding and take the bread. 

You crawl to Pietros room then see how high the bed was. You stand up and walk slowly over to Pietros bed and yank on his hair and pull yourself up and shove bread into his mouth. He wakes up feeling your tiny hands yank his hair and looks at you. He takes the bread out of his mouth and picks you up.

He puts the bread in your mouth and smiles proudly. He walks you out to the living room and sets your back on the ground by Tony and walks back to his room to sleep. 

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