Barry Help

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Chapter 6
"Barry help"

"Claire, Mia to what do I owe the pleasure" says Owen I glare at him
"Owen" says claire warningly
"what?" says Owen I sigh
"Mia" says Claire I look at her
"go find Barry" says Claire I nod and walk away
"hey Mia" says Barry when I walk over
"hey" I say calmly
"ready for your first day of work?" asks Barry
"not my first," I say
"alright, first day with the raptors, did you read the info I sent you?" asks Barry
"Pardon?" I reply
"the stuff I sent Owen with" says Barry I shake my head,
"damn," says Barry
"what?" I ask
"were going to have to train you from scratch" replies Barry.

Owen's POV
The second Mia is out of sight Claire turns to me.
"please, don't hurt her" she says
"what?" I ask
"she can't take being from Ranne for long periods of time" replies Claire "don't pry into her private life at least until she has had the chance to adjust"
"Fine." I state and walk off to start my day.

Mia's POV
I walk onto the catwalks and grab the girls treat bucket. After that I head to the freezer in the office and fill it, while I'm heading back onto the cat walk I slip and go over the railing I squeak and grab it as I fall.
"Barry! Help!"


Hey guys,
1) sorry for not updating in ages please forgive me!
2) sorry for the cliff hanger
3) sorry if the chapters bad
4) 2.44k reads!!! You guys are awesome!!!!

Anyways, see you in the next chaper!


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