First Sight

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                     First Sight


When I first met Damion Whestchester, my life changed. His white and black died hair fell over his eyes that were the deepest of blues. He held a skateboard in his hand, one ear phone in his ear, the other swinging loosely as he walked. He looked up at me breifly from across the street.

I froze.

My heart picked up speed. I could hear it in my ears. Bum Bum, Bum Bum. Could he hear it too? Just then, a bus stopped in front of him, blocking our veiws of eachother. My hear began racing even more. Bum Bum, Bum Bum, Bum Bum! For some reason, I felt worried. Why would I feel this? I don't even know this boy's name and yet I was worried about him. 

Get ahold of yourself, I thought forcefully. You may never see him again. For some reason, that made me worry more. Just as my heartbeat had reached its peak, the bus pulled away. I stood there, hoping to see the boy again. Much to my disapointment, there was just empty space where he stood just moments before. 

My heartbeat began to slow down as my vision blurred from the potential tears threatning to poor from my eyes at any second. 

You may never see him again.

The thought rang in my ears as a tear ran down my cheek. For a few seconds, I was in love, and seconds later, I had my heart broken. 


I was listening to music when I first saw her. She was standing there, across the street, looking at me. Her long brown hair seemed to blow slightly as her big brown eyes seemed to look straight through me. Those eyes, had to be the most beautiful I had ever seen in my life. 

Music. Her eyes were like music to me. The way they seemed to make me feel, was like music. I could only stare at her. She looked other worldly, not like all of the other girls, they all seemed the same. This girl was something ealse completely.

She was music.

I wanted to say hi. I wanted to wave. I wanted to do anything to make sure this wasn't a dream. But no, I could only stare. Thats it, I thought. I'm going to say hi. But I coulden't, I was frozen. Thats what we were. 

Frozen in time. 

Frozen in one moment, togeather. Just then, the bus pulled up. The doors opened, the driver beconing me in. But I was still staring straight ahead, where the girl was. Where my sweet music was. 

"C'mon kid, I'm on a schedule here," the bus driver called. I was going to tell him to fuck off and run over to the girl. 


But I knew I had to go. 

I may never see her again. 

(So, should I post more? At least 10 comments)

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