Chapter 8

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I feel like you guys deserve this early early chapter 1) because you're still reading this book and 2)I put you through that awful smut. Also male pregnancy is as common as female pregnancy. enjoy☺️

I woke up to the slight squirming of my baby. I sat up and rested my chin on my fist, peering down at Cas. He looked so peaceful. A wave of happiness washed over me as I remembered that he was carrying my baby.

I blushed a little bit as I remembered what we had done last night but I quickly forgot when Cas stirred a bit more and I kissed his cheek. He immediately calmed down and I felt pride wash through me because I did that. I calmed him down.

I turned over and looked at the digital clock. It read 7:45 am. I sighed in content and laid back down, closing my eyes in the process.

Cas let out a whine and I felt him hop out of bed. I immediately trudged after him, stretching as I did.

I heard Cas retching into the toilet from here and I winced. I picked up the pace and appeared in the doorway just as it seemed that Cas was finished.

I cooed as he rubbed his eyes with his fist. He looked like a little child. He looked up at me, pouted, and made grabby hands at me.

I chuckled and walked over, bending down and picked him up bridal style. He let out a little yelp and clung tightly to me.

When we arrived at our destination (the bedroom) he squirmed in my arms and I raised an eyebrow but helped him on his feet. I watched as he padded over to the desk that was cluttered with paper. He grabbed his laptop and a pencil and some paper and walked by me out to the living room.

I followed behind him and raised an eyebrow as he sat on the floor, leaning up against the back of the couch. He opened up his laptop and started typing stuff and writing stuff down.

I felt jealous in a way. I wanted Cas' attention and that stupid laptop was in my way.

I walked over and sat down in front of him. He didn't look up and continued typing and writing, but raised an eyebrow.

I let out a childish whine and moved the laptop out of the way before turning around and laying my head down in Cas' lap.

He looked down at me with a raised eyebrow and I smiled innocently.

"Um Dean? What are you doing?" I pouted at his words and he suddenly chuckled.

"Are you jealous or something?"

I blushed and Cas smiled and cooed, pinching my cheeks. I swatted his hands away and he leaned down and kissed me on the lips.

"What were you doing?" I asked.

Cas smiled even wider and I simply raised an eyebrow. He just continued smiling at me, running his hands through my hair. I was starting to get creeped out so I waved my hand in front of his face.

"Uh hey Cas? You gonna answer babe?"

He seemed to snap out of his trance but he was still smiling.

"I'm studying so I can apply for college!"

I smiled and leaned up, kissing Castiel. He looked down at me with tons of fond in his eyes and I looked back at him with the same amount.

We stayed like that for a few minutes, enjoying each other's company. "What happened to studying nerd?" I questioned, breaking the silence.

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