3: Ghoul

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Chapter 3: Ghoul; I am Not.

(Y/N) lay unconscious in the white hospital bed.

The beeping noise of the monitor filled the white room. 

(Y/N)'s shallow breathing made fog inside her oxygen mask.

Her eyes drifted open, although she was not awake.

One eye was normal, a (E/C) human eye.

The other, was definitely not normal. The iris was blood red, and endless black pooled around it.

A ghoul eye. A kakugan.






You awoke to the sound of a clicking pen.

"Are you awake dear?" the nurse asked, sitting on a stool beside the hospital bed you lay in.

"Yes," you tried to say, but all that came out was a strained croak.

"Don't force yourself," the nurse smiled. "You've only just recovered."

"I-I..." you started, this time finding your voice. "I-, How? I thought I-"

You remembered Rize trying to eat you. You remembered the horror. Your pain. The wounds.

You moved your hand to your stomach speedily.

Only to find it perfectly fine, all in place, no gaping hole, and no pain at all.

The nurse smiled in acknowledgement. 

"You're a very lucky girl. No one has ever survived such a fatal ghoul attack."

"What happened?" You whispered weakly, tears piercing your eyes with just the memory.

"I'll let the doctor explain that to you." The nurse stood up with a nod and a small smile, then walked out of the room.

You looked at your arms. 

None of the cuts were there. You were sure they must have at least left scars.

You wondered how long you were unconscious for, that all your wounds had already healed.

You reached up to feel your face. The cut there was also gone. You touched your shoulder. No wound and no pain.

There was not a single injury left on your body.

You had thought you were as good as dead when the iron bars fell that night. But here you were, as good and alive as ever.

The doctor entered the room.

He smiled at you. "Good to see you're awake, (L/N)-san."

You gave a half-hearted smile back.

"We tried to reach your family, but we couldn't find any of your relatives. Do you have anyone you could contact?"

"N-no. My parents died when I was young. I have no other living relatives."

"Oh. I see. I'm sorry for asking. I'll just explain to you what happened then."

"Yes. Please." you croaked. 

"It seems that you were attacked by a ghoul, in an alley. Do you remember? She had long bright purple hair, wore red-framed glasses, looked about in her 20s, wore a long skirt?" 

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