ACT I: The Beginning

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Chapter 1: The 'Birth' of E.N.D

Zeref was never evil. He was just a young man who wanted his baby brother who was taken from him back. You have to be crazy to think that someone who loved their younger sibling was evil.


October 7, X377—Milian Academy Ruins

Today was finally the day Zeref would revive his deceased younger brother Natsu. Standing in front of the resurrection pod, Zeref stared up at the naked child floating inside the green bubbly liquid before quickly getting to work at awakening the child.

Over the years, Zeref tried many things to revive his brother. He created a time machine called the Eclipse Gate to go back in time to stop his brother from dying. When he became old enough to know that messing with the past isn't a good idea, he scraped the idea.

Next he created the R System. When he realised it took the sacrifice of several people, Zeref had cut that idea too. He didn't want to bring his brother back to life if it would involve the murder of several innocent people.

Zeref had almost given up on resurrecting his brother. That had been until he met the Fire Dragon Igneel.

Igneel is the king of fire dragons. Igneel agreed to help Zeref revive Natsu by giving him half of his Dragon Fire which Zeref would mix with his own magic, infusing them into Natsu's body.

It was risky, but Zeref was willing to do it for his brother.

So after many tries of infusing Natsu's body with Igneel's Dragon Fire and Zeref's Contradiction Curse, Natsu was, at last, alive again. The only consequence that Natsu is a Dragon Slayer but a demon too.

Natsu blinked his eyes open sleepily, yawning. Zeref jolted when he noticed the two pointed fangs protruding from Natsu's upper lip. They weren't sharp—they were more like kitten teeth—but they weren't normal for a human being.

"Natsu?" Zeref whispered, placing his hand on the pod. "Do you remember who I am?"

"," Natsu muttered, closing his eyes again.

"My name is Zeref Dragneel, I'm your older brother, Natsu."

"Whatever you say...old man..." Natsu muttered before falling asleep completely.

"What did you just call me?" Zeref demanded teasingly.

Zeref drained the liquid out of the pod and wrapped Natsu in his toga snugly before leaving the ruins of his old magic academy.


"What did you just call me Lullaby?" a demonic voice demands.

"You heard me, I called you Ugly Face!" another demonic voice answers. Then the sounds of banging, growling and explosions filled the air. Zeref sighed in annoyance.

Lullaby and Deliora were fighting again.

Why couldn't his demons get along?

Zeref stepped into the clearing to see his first two gigantic demons he had ever made rolling around on the ground, destroying trees and pulling grass out of the ground. Sitting up in a tree was Jackal, who was asleep, as usual. Sitting on a log that Deliora and Lullaby had pulled out were his three female demons Kyôka, Seilah and Lammy; and Mard Geer was leaning up against a tree that had survived Deliora and Lullaby's constant fights, a frown upon his face. Zeref wondered where his other demons were.

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