chapter 2 new day new life

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"yes miss cheerin I'll do it right now" naeun said to her coworker. Taemin was on the cash machine and he watched naeun getting tired and he ask his coworker if he and naeun can go home

"no ,naeun will be here to clean the tables , mop the floor , set the chairs on tables and clean the cash machine , you will go to your home she will stay here" cl said to taemin, he went to naeun and he said to her that he will leave and she will stay here . Naeun didn't know what will happened this night at the store. The time passes and cl had left from the store leaving behind naeun to take care the store, some thieves breaked in the store and the beat up naeun very hard and they take the cash from the cash machine , naeun was get up and quickly ran to taemin's house and she hit the ring

"yeah who is it ?" taemin asked

"taemin-aahhh it's me naeun-nie please open the door " she said to him. Taemin got up and he quickly open the door without knowing what he will see

"come on I......NAEUN WHAT HAPPENED"he start to scream at her , naeun collapsed in his arms and he took her and put her on his bed and took care of her traumas. she open her eyes and she smiled to taemin

"naeun please tell what happened to you I'm very worried for you " he said to her and he start to cry

"taemin please don't cry , some guys beat me up and they steal some money from the cash machine"she said to him as she wiped the tears from taemin's cheeks  

"taemin-ahh can I ask you something?" naeun asked taemin

" Do you like me? " she asked him

" Wha.....uumm.....yeah, please don't hate me" taemin said to her

"i don't hate you taemin oppa " she said him and she smiled at him

Taemin and Naeun went to starbucks and they saw cl screaming at her workers . They went inside and cl turned to naeun and pushed her .

"you.." she didn't finished her word when taemin slapped her on the face

" naeun didn't do something and you treating her like she a trash in front of you , and you know what I quit from the job and naeun too " the blond boy said to the his bitch coworker and he take naeun's hand and they went to the park for a walk.

"you ok?" he asked naeun

" yeah , you ?" naeun asked taemin

" I'm fine ,  I just don't want to treat you like this , you don't deserve it naeun-nie " taemin said to naeun and he stared at her

"taemin-ah its ok we will find a new job and the boss will treating us politely " she said him

"naeun I just..." he didn't finished his line when naeun kissed him on the lips

he took her and they went to taemin's house and they start kissing each other with passion , taemin grabed naeun and placed her into his lap . Naeun took off taemin's shirt and he kissed her on the  neck .

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