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-7 Years ago-

"Wait up!" A creamed haired boy named Chung called after his best friend Ara. "Slow poke!" Ara called back, running to their tree house.

Their tree house isn't too far away from either of their houses. Ara climbed the ladder and went inside. "You never wait for me!" Chung said, following Ara inside.

Ara smiled. "Cuz this time will be a surprise!!" She stuck out her hand, helping Chung up. Chung grabbed her hand coming inside.
"Woah! You did all this?" Chung smiled at Ara. She had spent her nights here making it. Before them, was a pretend wedding.

All her stuffed animals, sitting in plastic chairs. Miho, her Fox plushie sat on a stool with 2 mood rings. They went to go dress up. Chung in a little tuxi and Ara in her wedding dress.

"We are gather here today to talk about Mine and Chung's wedding." Ara started. "Chung, Do you take Ara Haan to be your wife?" Chung blushed by that question.

"I do." His face as red as a tomato. "Ara, Do you take Chung Seiker to be your husband?" Ara said, blushing also. She had practice many times, but this time she was a little nervous.

"I-I do." She tried to say.

"You may kiss the bride." Chung said blushing.

Chung leaded in kissing Ara on her cheek. Talking the ring and putting on her. "Promise me, that when we get older. I will propose to you." Chung smiled.

-Present Time-.

"Look! Its Ara!" A boy said, pointing at her.

"I wish I was her!"

Ara walked down the hallway, not paying to anyone. Soon she caught sight of Chung. "Chung!" She yelled running over to him.

A cream haired boy turned around. "Hey Ara." Ara smiled at him. Chung smiled back at her. "So, how was math?" Ara asked.

"Well it's usual boringness. Also I need some help on my homework. I'll swing by your house after school. Sounds good?" Ara blushed and nodded slowly. "Yea, can't wait."

Ara and Chung continued walling down the hall. Walking into English together, Ms. Helen had a list with her. "Alright class, We are getting new seating arrangements!!"

Ara sat in the 2nd to last row by the window while Chung sat behind her. "Glad everyone is settled! We have a new student, please do come in!"

A silver haired girl with a orb shaped necklace walked into the room. "Hello, My name is Eve. I was never given a proper last name. I hope we can become great friends."

The girl glanced over at Chung. He smiled sweetly at the girl. "Excuse me, May I sit in front of that boy?" She asked Ms. Helen.
Ms. Helen smiled sweetly. "Why not next to him?"

The girl walked over to the seat next to Chung. Sitting down, grabbing a notebook for notes.

-At Le Lunch-

Eve nudged Chung's shoulder. "Hey, Can you show me where the Cafeteria is?" Chung nodded and left with Eve. Ara felt lonely. "We normally go eat on the roof."
No matter. Ara could wait for him. As she made her way, she saw Chung laughing and talking with Eve. She felt a pain in her chest while watching Chung be with Eve.

"I'll go eat by myself then." Ara walked up the steps slowly. Once she reached the roof, she sat down a few feet away from the door. Not too long after Chung came up.

"Sorry." Ara didn't say a word. She was lost in her thoughts. "Ara?" Ara snapped out of it. "Huh?"

Chung smiled. "I'm sorry. For not coming sooner." Ara shook her head. "Its ok, As long as you came."

-After School-

Eve grabbed Chung and ran out the door. Ara was left alone once more. She packed her things and headed out.

As she made her way to the gate, she heard voices. "I know that I've only known you for about 6 hours but I like you a lot. Will you go out with me?" There wasn't a response.

Ara went to look who it was. Chung and Eve were kissing. Ara couldn't bare to look. She ran home.

Once home, she went to their old tree house. She looked at the marriage photo they made when they were young. "Chung... You promised me." A tear went down Ara's face.

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