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Chapter I
I hate...you
Word Count: 955

Chung pushed Eve off of him. "What are you doing?" He wiped his mouth with the feeling of disgust.

Eve just simply smiled innocently. "Nothing my Pika Chung. I just want to give you a kiss." Chung just stared.

"Please don't. I've already promised someone I'd marry them, so I apologize but I'm gonna have to decline." He smiled with a bit of guilt.

Eve's smile dropped. "Oh.... Well can I have a chance? Just one date and maybe I can change your mind!" Chung sighed a bit.

He was one not to say no. That's why he was kind of a pushover. Because he'd feel guilty if he said no about something. That's why you'd never hear the words 'No" ever leave Chung's mouth.

"Well I guess... One date wouldn't hurt." He scratched the back of his head. "Yay! How about Saturday at 6?" Eve jumped with joy at her success.

"Ok see you then?" He asked, maybe he would regret his decision. Eve nodded and left smiling. While Chung stood there questioning what he had just done.


Ara felt like ripping up that picture right then and there. But then what would she accomplish? I mean sure she could rip up the picture, ignore Chung for the rest of her life (if possible), and maybe hate him to the point of death. But would that fix her broken heart? No.

Ara left their treehouse to go inside her house. "Welcome home honey!"  Or "How was school? I made cookies, would you like one?" She'd hear once she opened the door but she didn't. Because her mother wasn't there. Nobody was.

Ara felt a bit lonely at home but she'd get by. Or at least she believe. But she did smell a faint sent of fresh baked cookies. A sign she'd get every once in a while from her mother.

When Ara walked into the kitchen, she saw fresh cookies on the table and a note next to them. It read:

Happy Birthday sweetie! I know your disappointed that this isn't the birthday you wanted but we tried didn't we? I apologize for being reckless that night, leaving you alone to worry about me. But you still love me right?

Turn that frown upside!


Ara was one the edge of crying again. She knew her mother never meant to do what she did, but Ara still felt like she should take the blame.

She sat down at the table, taking a cookie and took a bite. A tear went down her face as she silent ate, picturing her mother being there telling stories of her childhood or stuff from work that day.

When Ara finished the cookie, she went upstairs. Every step she took it felt like weights. Ara stopped to look at the wall full of her family pictures.

Her mother and brother were there smiling from ear to ear. But she always asked her mother were her dad went. "Hey mom, where's dad?"  Ara would ask. Her mother would stop what she was doing.

She would turn to Ara with a forced smile. "He left for a business trip. Don't worry he'll be back." Her mother would say. She'd tell Ara to go on and play something then go upstairs to her father's office.

Her mother would lock herself in there and cry for hours on end. Ara never truly knew the reason as to what happened to her father because he was never present in any pictures that were displayed on the wall.

She continued onward to her room. But before she did she saw the door to her father's studies. Ara had never been inside the room because her mother always kept it locked with a key.

A sliver key that had a picture in it. Ara has only seen it once when she 7 years old. Still curious about what was in that room, Ara put down her bag and went inside the forbidden room.

Her mother's.


Chung kept replaying the scene that happened just moments ago. He walked to the treehouse that Ara and him share, thinking that Ara is there waiting for him.

Chung was truly ignorant about Ara's feelings for him. Maybe it because he had a lot on his mind or its he just doesn't feel the same way.

Sure he did promised Ara to marry her but he thought that was just only a game. A fragment of imagination to him. But to Ara, he had no clue.

Chung truly saw her as his own sister. But Ara didn't. And Chung didn't know that. He couldn't ever think of a relationship with her. Chung thought that would be too awkward even too weird on many different levels.

He could only see Ara as a sister. That's how he forced himself to see. Because Chung did indeed like her more than he should, for he felt like he would be rejected. He thought Ara only saw him as a brother, she even stated it before.

"So maybe dating Eve wouldn't be a bad idea after all." He thought. Chung knew Ara would never see him as something much more. As much as he wished he would love to change fate, he couldn't.

"Maybe it's for the best." He said, climbing up to the treehouse.

As he made it inside, his smiled dropped. Ara wasn't there. Chung went over to the photo that was taken of the wall. A tear was stained on it.

He picked it up. A smiled formed on his lips. But as he looked up from the picture, where the picture was before. A note was left.

It read:

I hate you, Chung!


Hello there! I finally updated because I was having some trouble with this accounts access. I do apologize for my absence, and not updating this sooner. So I hope this update makes up for it.

I'm glad your enjoyed it! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2016 ⏰

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