Chapter One

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Happiness is different for everyone.

Some say happiness is how satisfied you are with your life. Others say it's getting out of a traffic jam and getting to an appointment on time.

Opinions on happiness vary from different people.

Happiness could be your morning coffee, fitting into your jeans, not having to make the bed, or even getting to watch your favorite television show on time. Happiness is so much more to me.

Owen Taylor is my happiness.

Owen is my sip of coffee, my perfect pair of jeans, the person to make my bed, and always there to binge watch a season of The Walking Dead with me.

However, happiness never last forever.

You may be out of coffee beans, your jeans still may be in the wash, your bed may have no blankets, and your satellite could be out.

The Past

"Ember... Ember, Ember, Ember, Ember..," Joslyn groans as I turn on her lights to her bedroom.

Joslyn has been my best friend for years. We go to college together at Full Sail University. I want to do something in computer animation, while Joslyn would love to be in the music business. We are both Seniors in college and only have a few months left. 

"Joslyn! You have to get up. It's Friday!" I say as I open her curtains, letting in all that good vitamin D.

She covers her face with her blanket, rolling up like a burrito.

"Why can't I just stay here? Leave me. I don't wanna go!" Joslyn says.

"Well... silly," I begin to say as I rip the blanket off the bed,"It's the last day of school before Spring Break starts Monday. At least go this one day."

"I literally hate you right now." Joslyn says as she gets up.

I laugh as I walk into the bathroom. I close the door, grabbing a towel on the shelf behind the door. I undress out of my pajamas and turn on the shower. I step in the cold shower and wash my brown hair and body.

"Hey Em?" Joslyn shouts

"Yes?" I shout back.

"Who's Owen?" She questions.

"Uh... Who?"

"Owen... Owen Taylor? Do you know him?" She asks.

"I've never heard that name in my life. Why?" I respond.

"He followed me on Instagram. I just thought you knew him." She says.

I think to myself. That name doesn't sound familiar, but I do feel like I know it from somewhere. This bothers me, but not enough to upset me. I mean, c'mon, it's just a name.

I jump out of the shower and dry off. I know it's going to be warm today, so I grab my skinny jeans that are ripped at the knees, an oversized white t-shirt, a pair of black sunglasses, and my black converses.

I put some mascara on and walk out of the bathroom.

I'm staying in Joslyn's room until Monday. When Spring Break starts we plan on going on this epic road trip. I've always wanted to see the Statue of Liberty, and Joslyn loves to travel. We plan on going from Florida to New York. That's about 1,148 miles. I think it's going to be fun, but very exhausting when it's over.

I've always wanted to go to New York. My father always promised he would take my mother and I. My father always made promises he would never keep.

Later in life my father left me and mom. He didn't keep his promise with my mother.


He left when I was twelve. Mom and I got off just fine though. In my opinion, she raised me the best she could. She did and still does everything for me.

I'm not visiting her this Spring Break. Joslyn and my mom are basically making me go on this trip. Every time I have a break from college, I go to see her. Only this time she insisted to do something I've always wanted to do. It was a sad phone call, but I'll see her in the Summer.

As I walk out of the bathroom, Joslyn stops me.

"Yes..?" I ask.

"Here." She replies, handing me a clock necklace.

"What's this for?" I ask laughing.

"Just to remind you that time means everything, to know how much time you have left." She says.

"Wow... So deep." I start to laugh, and she does too. "We should go now."

"I agree, let's go to our doom!" Joslyn says.
(A.N) Please tell me how you guys like this so far!
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