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*Eric's POV*

I sighed angrily. She was so annoying but I couldn't find myself to shoot her. I even felt bad about it when I slapped her. It was a very complicated thing so I just pushed my feelings away and walked to the boys, discussing the plan with them. "Okay, how much do we ransom for.?" Tyler asked.

"Maybe $10,000 each?" Bobbie smiled.

"Yeah!" They cheered. 

I shrugged, not having a problem with it. 

We were going to use the money to move away and start fresh. New names, new homes, new lives. 

I just hoped it would work out well.

*Richelle's POV*

Meanwhile, I was making very small talk with Jae about the weather, our families, and different ways to escape. She has two older brothers and two younger ones. She lives with her mom and dad and her two younger brothers because the older two went off to college.She is also turning 13 this year.

We are quite alike in many ways. We both really liked Green Day and All Time Low. We also spend too much time on the computer. 

It wasn't that bad sitting with her until Troy came over and started to talk crap saying stuff like:

"Looks like you're all tied up."

"Poor Thing.. All tied up and weak like that."

And Etc.

I wanted to rip his throat out. Jae had literally lunged at him and spit on his face. HIS MOUTH WAS OPEN! 

"Ew! It got in your mouth!" I exclaimed. He spit out onto the ground. 

"Gross!" He coughed and wiped his mouth.

Jae laughed, looking quite proud of herself. That was when Troy threw his fist at her, punching her cheek furiously. I gasped as Jae cried out in pain. "W-What the heck man!?" I yelled louder then intended. 

 Bobbie rushed over quickly to see the scene. Finally someone to help! I thought. I should have known better.

"Haha, what's wrong Troy? Beating up people without me?" 

Oh no..

((Oooh! More and more cliffhangers!! Ahh! Are you guys enjoying this as much as me? I hope so.  Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been really busy with school starting up soon and stuff. DON'T CUT ME!! I'll try as hard as I can to post more but I can't make any promises. Sorry :( Anyway, Vote, Comment, and Fan!!))

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2013 ⏰

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