
18 0 8

I am lost in my own misery, my own personal hell. I am trapped by the pain I feel in my heart, by the thoughts running through my head. I silently scream over and over, "I WANT OUT!!" No one can save me from the monster I have become. In the end, I'm just going to destroy myself.

Everyone says, "You're so pretty." "You will find a guy who treats you right someday." "You are so smart." "You are amazing." "I'm here for you." " I'll never leave you." "You're not alone."


But I know the truth. I'm stupid. I'm fat. I'm worthless. I have no one. I'm unlovable. I'm broken. I'm pathetic. I'm awful. I don't deserve life. I don't deserve happiness. I'm nothing!! I will always be ALONE!!! Everyone always leaves me. Everything everyone says to "cheer me up", it's all lies.

I am tired of being lied to. I am tired of fighting to be happy. I'll never be happy again. The old me is dead. She is never coming back. Love has destroyed me. Love has torn me apart, ripped me to shreds. Love is the worst thing that has ever happened to me. 

Poems and stuff.. </3Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang