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"Aye, Liam, amazing batch, man." A voice drifted from down the hallway, sounding airy. Like they were high or in a good mood.

Hold up. They sounded high, and they mentioned Liam's name.

Liam. I'm going to hurt that boy when I find him. God knows how many weed brownies he's given out - or any kind of drug, in general. I looked at Niall and huffed, "I'll be right back." He nodded, then pulled out his phone to pass time.

I looked to my right and quickly saw Liam's head of hair as he walked into the bathroom. I ran towards him and slipped in before the door shut.

"Hey, man! Slow down!" Some kid at the urinal muttered, zipped up his pants and walked out. He was gross enough not to wash his hands. Liam leaned against a sink. My hands grabbed his face so I could look him in the eye.

"Liam, are you seriously stoned?! On your first day of class?" I hissed.

He swatted away my hand and rolled his eyes, "No, I'm not."

"Where is it, huh?" I started patting down his pockets.


"Is it on you? Did you already use it?"

"Louis!" He yelled, catching my attention. "Stop it. You need to chill yourself, alright?"

I crossed my arms and snorted, "Chill myself? What is that, stoner talk? Dude you are so cool."

"Are you crazy, or something?" He sneered.

"Crazy? Crazy? Oh, Liam, you haven't seen crazy. I've given you a summer pass, but I am done watching you destroy yourself! Actually, you know what? Go right ahead. Keep it up. Just know that I'm going to be here to ruin your buzz everytime, yeah? I know who you are, Liam. This isn't you. Don't be this person you're not."

"Whatever." He mumbled and stormed out of the bathroom.

I looked down and gripped my hair. There was no way in hell I'd be alright with this the rest of my life. Liam needs to get his shit together real soon.

"Are you alright?" A deep voice asked from out of nowhere.

"You scared me." I sucked in a sharp breath, and stuck a hand over my heart.

"I'm sorry." He kind of chuckled.

I looked up. There stood a tall boy with a curious expression. He was beautiful. His long, curly locks were pushed behind his ear. Everything about his facial features were symmetrical and satisfying. His legs were nice and long. A few detailed tattoos peaked out from the arms of his shirt.

I stopped staring and blushed, "I'm okay. Thank you."

He smiled at me. But it was the kind of smile where you could tell they were thinking about something. I just hope he was thinking good thoughts.

It became awfully quiet in the bathroom, the two of us just staring at each other. Like we were taking in all the beauty there was to see. I kind of liked it. Even though something about the boys eyes drew me in like no other - but I wasn't saying I loathed it. It was just something I haven't really experienced with anyone else.

When I did look away, I glanced up at the clock above the mirrors. It read 7:42, the bell would ring soon.

"I - uh - I have to get going." I said quietly, trying to hold back a stupid smile that was still obvious on my face.

"Of course." He said, understandably.

I attempted to make my way out but when I stepped right, he stepped left. Then when I stepped left, he stepped right. We both looked at each other and laughed. Then he stuck his arm straight out from his side, and let me get by.

"Thank you." I praised quietly.

When I got back out to the hallway, Niall was still leaning against the lockers, on his phone.

"Come on, blondie." I nudged his stomach. He push off the locker and walked by my side.

"What the hell were you doing in there?" He inquired and shook his head.

"Mm, nothing fun. Dealing with my brother, that's about it." I sighed. I stuffed my cell phone into my pocket and the two of us headed to Mr Tanner's class.


Tanner was giving some speech about the Great Potato Famine back in 1845. I wasn't quite sure how it was relevant to today's everyday life; it didn't really mean much to me. So, all I could think about was Niall and his ancestors. My mind wandered off into a daydream of Niall living in the 1840's during the potato famine. How devastated he would've been.

My head dropped onto the desk and I mentally groaned. This class period was going by so slow and I wasn't sure how much more I could take.

Suddenly, my butt vibrated. I was prepared for someone to turn around and stare at me, but nobody did so I took a breath of relief. I grabbed my phone. There was a text from Niall for me to read.


My cheeks flushed. I picked up my head slowly and scanned the room casually. My heart fluttered when I caught eyes of the boy looking at me. He lightly smiled. I covered my smile with my hand and turned back around.

As I stared at Tanner's face while he lectured us, it clicked in my head who the boy was. He was the one from the bathroom - the one who asked if I was okay. I didn't know his name, but knew that he was definitely attractive and considerate of others. Well, atleast to me he was.

I slunk back into my seat with a cheesy grin on my face because oh my, Tanner's class was going to be great.

[a/n: if anyone's actually reading this... I hope you liked it xx -xxlarryschildxx]

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