Out of Wamm town

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There were only two initial pokemon left. 

Since Matt had ran into the lab of professor Roger and immediately chose Charmander, now the two remaining boys had to choose between bulbasaur and squirtle. 

Mello remained arms crossed examining the two small and smiling pokemons, and switching his view between the creatures and the small albino boy that stood next to him. Mello knew that Near really didn't cared about the type of pokemon to get, and was just waiting for Mello to make up his mind. The blonde boy figured that it didn't really mattered anymore. After all, he was second place again, and to make matters worse, he wasn't overturned by the weak boy that stood next to him, but by his so-called best friend. He wanted charmander. He had been dreaming about getting a charmander his whole life, and now Matt was the one that held the pokeball in his hands. Mello sighed, and looked at professor Roger.

"Is it absolutely no way to get another charmander for me?"

"Sorry Mello, but I can't make any exceptions. You'll have to choose between bulbasaur and squirtle." He looked at the pokemon again, trying to observe something in them that would convince him about which one to choose. A while passed: Matt had already began playing with his charmander inside the lab, destroying many things in the process, and Near had began playing with his hair. Professor Roger only sighed.

"Near, which one would you like?" Only then, Mello reacted.

"W-wait! I want to choose my-"

"Sorry kid, but I don't have all day. There are other children that also want their pokemon." 

"B-But..." before he knew it, Near's hands were extending towards a happy and pleading squirtle, that seemed only too happy to be chosen by him.

"Well, I guess that leaves you bulbasaur, then" Mello wasn't happy. Again, the second best pokemon in his opinion was taken away from him, and he was left only with a moving plant. He tried to protest, but the accusatory eyes of Professor Roger shut him up, and he only extended his hand in defeat. The professor took out a pokeball and locked the creature inside.

"There you go...Near, would you like to keep your pokemon inside the pokeball?" the young albino only shook his head in denial. The old professor laughed. 

"Well...I guess that's everything...boys, take very good care of your pokemon...remember that they are living creatures and they depend on you. Be nice to them, don't abandon them, and mostly, take care of them during battles. They can get harmed very easily." Only Matt and Near nodded. Mello only stared at his pokeball. All of the sudden, the heavy and wrinkled hand of Professor Roger was on top of the boy's head, messing up his hair. Mello whined and backed off, but looked at Roger in the eyes either way.

"Don't be sad, Mello. Bulbasaur is a great pokemon. I'm sure you two will make great friends." the young boy didn't answered, and just kept his pokeball stuck on his belt. 

"Thank you old man! We'll miss you!"Roger laughed once the red haired boy hugged him, right after his particular goodbye. 

"Bye Mattie, promess you will take care of yourselves. Also, bye to you too Near." 

"Bye, Roger. Thank you". Even though his goodbyes were expressionless, Roger knew that the young albino meant every word. 

"Bye Mell-" but Mello was already gone.

Bulbasaur was out of his pokeball, as his new owner and he had a stare contest. Mello was still trying to convince himself that he would be a great pokemon, better than the rest of them all, but he still was insecure about it. Things like: "he's too fat, his legs are too short, this would only win in a cuteness contest" filled his head, as his new creature began to explore its surroundings. All of the sudden, Mello's thoughts were interrupted by the footsteps of two people: Matt that ran excited to put his arm around his neck, and Near that kept smiling shyly at his squirtle. 

"Dude! We finally made it! We are finally going to be pokemon trainers!" 

"Y-yeah, I guess..." Matt was able to read his friend's empty answer like a book. 

"Dude, don't be all down. Bulbasaur is a great pokemon...I'm sure you two will make really good friends."

"Y-yeah, I guess..." Mello repeated. Matt only smiled at him.

"Don't worry. There are thousands and thousands of pokemon. You'll find more, and then both bulbasaur and you will be ok...get it? Besides...I bet L would've chosen a bulbasaur" that phrase brought Mello up a little bit. He had always looked up at the legendary L: one of the best pokemon trainers in the world, that was from his town. The dream of Mello was to one day, face him in a battle. It didn't matter if he win or loose. He was just unsure about himself about it. 

"W-well yeah...But..."

"WAIT!!!" two of the boys stared at Matt straight in the eyes as the red haired boy shushed them.

"Guys, there is a weedle right behind that tree...and he is going to be the first capture of one of us..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2016 ⏰

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