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Dawn's POV

Today was the first day of my senior year. My last year in high school. I decided this year would be the year of new things.

I'm sorry. My name is Dawn Eurydice-Janet Fabray-Howell. My name is Dawn, because my mom's middle name was Dawn and I was born at dawn and Eurydice because my dad always told my mom that he would never look back on her even though he was always making sure she never got hurt and Janet after one of the lead's in Rocky Horror, Janet, my parents both love Rocky Horror. I was adopted by the Fabray's after my parents had me when they were very young, my parents not the Fabray's, but recently I had gotten closer to my Dad, Carl Howell. I guess I'll tell you what I look like, I have naturally dark brown hair but I dyed it pink, purple, and blue earlier this summer, I have blue eyes and I'm pretty tall, I'm six foot actually, according to my dad my mom was really tall, she died when I was born. I have two main best friends, Ariel Gilbert and Charlie Pierce. I love Ariel but I really love Charlie, we had been dating since freshman year in secret, the only person who knows is Ariel. You'll meet them later.

I walked downstairs and saw my dad making omelets and pancakes.

"Morning Daddy!" I told him, grabbing a pancake.

"Morning. Do you need a ride to school? I don't have any appointments until 9." He asked, my dad is a dentist, the only one in Lima, Ohio, so he makes quite a bit of money.

"I'm going to walk with Charlie to the Dollar General and then we're going to ride with Ariel." I explained as he put an omelet on my plate. He sat down next to me and we ate together.

"Say hello to Ms. Pillsbury for me!" My dad joked as I walked out the door after we said our goodbyes. I laughed, Ms. Pillsbury was his ex-wife and she was the counselor at my high school, McKinley High.

"I will!" I walked to the end of the street and ran when I saw my girlfriend Charlie.

"I missed you!" I acted like we hadn't seen each other since the last school year even though we had seen each other a few hours before.

"Me too!" We hugged and we both looked around before kissing briefly.

"So I want to talk to you and Ariel about something in the car." I told her as we walked, hand in hand. We finally made it to Dollar General and went inside to get some things we needed, like food and random junk, before we heard Ariel's annoyingly loud car pull up.

"Hola lesbianas!" (Hello lesbians!)Ariel said as Charlie got up front and I climbed in the back.

"Hola raro!" (Hello weirdo) Charlie and I said together.

"So what is it you wanted to talk about out fearless leader?" Asked Charlie as we drove.

"What if we joined glee club?"

"I'm down." Charlie said

"Let's do it. And I know just what song to sing." Ariel asked, I could see from the devilish look on her face that she had a plan.

Later that day, Ariel's POV

"Mr. Schue, the three of us would like to audition for glee club?" Asked Dawn, there was a reason we called her our fearless leader.

"Of course! Would you like to do it now or in front of the glee club?" He asked.

"Now?" Dawn asked and we nodded.

"We actually have a dance mosh routine with it."

"Go ahead." We performed our song and he said we were in.

"Yes!" We all said as we left the room.

"Let's go to lunch!" Charlie said, she was a big eater. Me, not so much. I had 3 eating disorders: binge-eating, bulimia, and anorexia.

We got our lunches and sat down, we were serious outsiders, soon the glee club started singing "We Got The Beat". And then a food fight started. It was chaos.

Afterwards we walked back to the choir room and heard a girl singing, she was most definitely tone deaf.

Afterwards, in Choir room, Charlie's POV

"Mr. Schue? Sorry we're later." I said. The last girl was horrible.

"Everyone welcome our three newest members, Dawn Fabray-Howell, Charlie Pierce, and Ariel Gilbert." Britt ran to me and hugged me, Santana and Quinn just looked mad. Everyone clapped.

"Can they even sing?" Asked Rachel Berry.

"May we?" Dawn asked Mr. Schue.

"Of course." We sang our audition song, 'Bang Bang' by Jessie J, Ariana Grande, and Nicki Minaj, again, I sang Ariana's part, Dawn sang Jessie's, and Ariel sang/rapped Nicki's part. We danced along and it was really fun.

"Great job ladies! This week will be free week, but you need to try and sing songs we could do for sectionals." Rachel sang a song and then Sam sang a song to Quinn.

The next day I walked into glee club and sat next to Dawn. We sat at the very back. Ariel came in and her eyes were red and puffy.

"A? What's wrong?" We asked in unison.

"My parents." Was all she said.

"What happened?" Asked Dawn, squatting down to be eye level with Ariel.

"They flipped their car. They didn't make it. This is my last day at McKinley. I'm going to move in with Elliott." Elliott is her older brother who lives in New York City.

"Come here." We both said and we hugged her. Soon everyone else came in and Ariel announced her departure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2016 ⏰

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