Chapter Two

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 It had been a few days since the incident and everything was actually going well; Bella and I were just as close as we were when we were growing up. Even the school didn't seem so bad anymore, and my crush for Jasper only deepened. Everyday he and I got closer and I couldn't tell if it was just as friends or something more. But besides that Alice and I did turn out to be great friends and even with her weird little pauses throughout the day, we had great fun. I got messages everyday from my friends back home asking for my return date. I didn't have an answer for them, I was liking it here and I didn't know how to tell them that. Not to mention my mother was MIA since she wasn't answering my calls. Charlie mentioned that he would try and get a hold of her, but there was some things I didn't understand but really I thought it was just work.

Today I decided that I was going to go for a jog, I hadn't explored the lands yet and the fact that it was a lovely Friday evening made it seem like a perfect time. Throwing on a pair of running gear and grabbed my headphones as I ran out the door saying later to Bella as she watched reruns. Running through the forest from the Swan household I watched as the sun slowly died and the sunset kiss the cool air. I don't know how long I was running for but I realized it was a while as I watched the stars twinkle in the night sky. Taking my headphones off I turned my jog into a fast pace walk. I was right, the land was lovely and it was a nice change from the busy city of Toronto where I spent most my life.

It was when I was walking that I noticed a chilling atmosphere surrounded the area; I shrugged it off and continued. But my heart started to beat fast as I approached a clearing, but I knew past this clearing was an easy route back to the house. Pushing on I was shocked when I noticed Edward and Jasper standing above something. A third man appeared with the duo and my mind snapped in realization. Their eyes glowed in the evening light and blood stained along their jaws. Without thinking I ran towards the trio just in case they were hurt; but in seconds I barely understood the mystery man speaking, "Jasper no!" Jasper was pulled with unexplainable strength away from the scene and the trio were gone before I even got there.

I couldn't have been that far away from them but as I approached where they stood nothing was there but a dead deer. Wanting to vomit I ran as quick as I could from the scene and back to the house. It might have only taken my five minutes form where I was to run back to the house at full speed. When I got there Bella and Edward stood around in the living room while Bella had a surprised face as if to say "What are you doing here Edward." I kicked off my shoes and threw the weird mini water bottle that was attached to my leg on the floor and stomped towards the couple. "Edward Cullen you are a vampire," I stated as I stood between the duo and forced every part of me not to freak out.

"Kenzie I don't know what you're talking about?" Edward replied as he looked down at me; he was taller than I was but then again a lot of people were.

"I know vampires already exist so might as well be honest," I bluffed; way back when I had an experience that made me always believe but I was never confirmed. Except Edward didn't have to know that. All I thought about was that scene five years ago replaying in my mind. Edward looked down at me in pity, "Don't lie to me because I know what I saw back there," I added.

"Well I can't argue with someone who already knows," Edward replied as he pulled Bella towards him and I went to reach out for her. "Don't worry Bella already knew, she figured it out a week in I suppose... Kinda like you, wow you guys are best friends," Edward laughed. Bella silently laughed and I smiled because my world kind made more sense. Edward and Bella disappeared soon enough, but not before they told me to come over tomorrow night to discuss this with his family. As I walked up the stairs to my room I paused; that meant mystery man and Jasper were vampires too.. The whole Cullen family was a vampire clan. Brushing off the feeling I entered my room and threw myself on my bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2016 ⏰

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