Making Out With Jacob

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We sat down. Edward told me about Billy and them that they are werewolves. He also that Jacob one too but not yet. He says Jacob will see my skin but he won't smell me yet. Edward talks and left.

"Bella! Crystal" a voice yelled.

I froze. Oh no. 

"Hey Jacob" Bella said.

He smiles at her and then looks at me. He froze when he sww my skin. I look down. Edward walks to us. Thank gosh! 

"Crystal you can talk to Bella while I go and to talk him alone" He said.

I nodded. Then they left.


I felt anger in me. 

"Jacob we didn't changed her. Victoria's mate James did" Edward said.

"Why" I asked with a mad look.

"I don't know but she will still live with Bella in their house" He said.

"What about my Dad" I asked.

"You tell him this" He said.

"Anything else" I asked.

"Yeah. She knows about me, my family, your family, and you" He said.

"Great. You told her didn't you" I asked with a fake smile.

"I told her about you and your family but she fegered out about me and my family" He said.

I laughed a bit. 

"Great" I said.


We waited and waited. Then they walked back. Edward helps Bella. I got up.


Jacob and Billy walks in. Bella is at Edward's while Dad's at work. 

"Whoa! You look more beautiful as a vampire" Billy said.

Jacob laughs. I giggled. 

"So Bella knows too about the cullens right? Edward told us" Billy said.

"Yeah" I said.

They nodded. I grabbed my animal blood drick. 

"Animal blood" Jacob asked.

"Yeah" I said.

They signed relief. Then Bella walks in and smiles at us.

"Hey Bella" Billy said.

"Hey Billy. Hey Jacob" Bella said.

"Hey" Jacob said.

He looks mad about me being vampire but he'll get use to it. Bella walks up stairs as someone knocked on the door. I got up and answered it. It is Alice and Rosalie.

"Why do I smell wet dog" Roaslie asked.

I let them in. Jacob glares at them. Roaslie glared back. 

"Crystal me and Roaslie are going hurting and since your a newborn you need to eat a lot" Alice said.

"She has animal blood right here" Jacob said.

They look at it. 

"That's not enough" Roaslie said.

"Ok. I'll come" I said.

They smiled while Jacob frowns but Billy looks at him.

"She needs to feelied a lot Jacob" He said.

Jacob nodded. 


I smelled someone. I just got done hurting.

"Well, I see your vampire life is well" a voice said.

I turned and saw Victoria! 

"Yeah. I'm getting use to it now" I said.

She smiles. 

"That's good. I shured go before the Cullens show up" She said.

"Ok" I said.

I nodded with a smile. She smiles back and left. 


Jacob is looking at the pictures of us when we were little. I am sitting on my bed. 

"It's kind of weird of me having a vampire as a best friend" He said with a laugh.

I giggled. 

"I shured of told you this before you came a vampire" He said.

"What" I asked.

He looked at me and opened his mouth to talk but my door opened.

"Why hello there Jacob" Dad said.

I giggled as Jacob looks at him and smiles.

"Hey Charlie" He said.

"So got to go back to work" Dad said to us.

We nodded.

"Ok. Good talk" He said.

We laughed as he left. 

"Even when your a vampire you still acts the same" Jacob said.

I nodded as he sat down. I look down.

"Crystal look at me" He said.

Then he grabs my chin and look in my eyes.

"These contasx are like your real eyes when you were human" He said.

Then he grabs my hair. 

"Same hair" He said.

Then he grabs my cheek.

"Not the same warmnest" He said.

Then he lets go and grabs my wasit. I gasp. 

"Same voice" He said.

Then he kisses my lips and closing his eyes. I closed my eyes as I kissed back. He felt so warm. He pulls me closer to him as I put my arms around his neck. Our lips moved together with warmnest and coldnest. Plus it also has love and fireworks. He gentley pushed me on the bed still kissing my lips. He's on top of me now still kissing me. He puts his hands under my shirt a bit and put hit up a bit too. He started kissing my neck. I felt love with him. I moaned a bit when he found my sweet spot.

"Crystal I'm back" we heard Bella yelled.

He gets off of me and kissed my lips one last time. Then he left out the window. I smiled a bit. I just had my first kiss with Jacob and it was great! 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2016 ⏰

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