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Mr.Tomo got me to a big building with glass glistening in the sunlight. He handed me a pair of keys as he parked in the parking lot. "Your room is on the 11th floor" Mr.Tomo gets out of the car and opene the door for me. "Well this is goodbye for us for now. Hope you enjoy your stay" the driver says with a smile and starts the car up again and pulls out of the parking lot.
I look at the keys for a moment, then to the building.
I headed inside. There was a nice looking lady behind the counter. I walked past her and she looked at me while she was on the phone, and smiled at me. I got the elevator in a minute and pressed my floor button. When the doors opened I was greeted by something my parents would likely make for me.
It was one huge room. Huge glass windows that took up a full wall, and white curtains. There was a small lounging area with a huge flat screen T.V., a door the led to a bathroom, and some closets, and on a small platform a few steps up was the kitchen, which had a big circular marble table in the middle, and double doors that led to what seemed to be my bedroom. I headed there first.
I swung open the doors and saw a bed with a white headboard, white blankets, pillows, and white stuffed animals too.
I drop my bag on the hardwood floor and jumped onto the bed. It was cold, as in the fabric was cold. I loved it.
I rolled around for a bit as I loved he cold feeling of the bed, when I fell off back first.
I tipped my head backward which made the world look upside down. I saw my bag and I reached to grab it.
My phone buzzed as I grabbed the strap.
I looked at the caller ID. It was Mom.
"Hello?" I ask. "Oh darling! How do you like your new home? Mr.Tomo called me as soon as he dropped you off, just like I asked. So? Do you like it?" She asks excitedly.
" yes, thank you very much" I say without much emotion. She lets out a breath of relief.
"There's one more thing" she adds. "What?" I ask, curious. "Tetsuya lives on the floor beneath you". I almost drop the phone. "Alright" I say. "I have to go now" and I ended the call.
Just as I did, there was a knock at the door. Still in my school uniform, I got up to answer it. I opened the door to see the lady from the front desk. " Miss Kuroko? A moving truck full of your belongings just arrived. But to get to the reason I came up here is to tell you that there is a group of young men downstairs claiming to know you" she informs me.
"I'll deal with it" I said, and she left. I went down the stairs as the lady went down the elevator.
When I got to the lobby, the Seiren basketball team, including Riko. "What are you guys doing here?" I ask the group. Someone from behind me spoke.
"Mom called and told me that you'd just moved in so I thought that the team could come and help you with the moving" I turn around to see Tetsuya standing here in a white shirt and black shorts. I guess the school had let out and they came here.
"Also, carrying these boxes of who-knows-what up 11 flights of stairs is an amazing workout!" Riko added, all hyped up.
"If you would like to, I won't stop you" I said, shrugging. "Alright! Let's get to work!" She said as she pointed to a mountain of heavy-looking boxes. I knew I didn't have a lot of things so my parents must have added some stuff.
Each team member carried two to four boxes. I carried one box upstairs and went ahead so I could unlock the door for everyone. They piled in boxes. Then they actually looked around.
Their mouths dropped open. "This is your place?!" They cried. I nodded. Dumbstruck, they went back down to get move more boxes.
I grabbed a few that were labeled as clothes and took them to my room, where I placed them neatly on hangers and hung them in my closet.
Once they were done bringing the boxes up, they asked if I'd want them to help me unpack.
"We could help you unpack everything" Riko offered. I shook my head. "You've done more than enough. Thank you" I said, bowing. The nodded and left with goodbyes. The only one left was Tetsuya.
He started to open boxes that had he word 'kitchen' written on the sides and placing things like a toaster, coffee maker, knife rack,cutting mats etc into the kitchen without speaking. I took the one box that was for my bedroom. I open it up and the first thing I see was a snow-white teddy bear with black eyes and a light blue ribbon around its neck. It took me back to a unpleasant memory.

"Why do you get to go to regular school and I have to be homeschooled?!"
"I don't know. I'm sorry that you have to be homeschooled"
"Shut up! Don't act sorry for me for being homeschooled! The only reason you go to regular school is that stupid basketball team of yours!"
He hands me the bear. In my rage, I throw it to the ground.
"I don't want your stupid gift! Just get lost!"
"Alright. Happy end-of-homeschool-middle school"
He leaves
I drop to my knees and curl into a ball and start to cry my eyes out.
An hour later, with puffy eyes, I look at my brothers gift. I reach out and grab it. I hold it close to me and cry quietly while rocking back and forth.

Not happy memories at all. I place it on my bed, and look back to my box. There are a few paintings I liked so I hung those up. This continued for most of the boxes left in (I guess) the living room.
We worked late into the night, and I'd have to wake up early next morning. So I head to the bathroom with a hanger with my pjs on it and strip and take a quick shower. When I finish drying my hair, which was fast because it was short, I pulled on a black pair of shorts and a short sleeve tee. I also took off the chest binder, which made me a lot more relaxed.
With my clothes in a hamper, I get to my bed. I see Tetsuya already lying there, completely asleep. I just climbed in on the other side and pulled the blanket over me and went to sleep, while holding the gift my twin gave me.
I still loved the gift, but I never told my twin next to me that I did.

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