crack because why not

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OK I'm sorry its been long so here have something random
Castiel was the typical guy who was a typical gay. His glasses on point. (Omg what am I writing) He was going to a new school, new town, new state, also new country.
Ring ring
"DAMN IT PHONE!" he yelled and reached out for it. 'Tomorrow school starts better make the most of this day' he thought he smirked at his next thought. But let's not go there. He piked his phone up and put his glasses on.
"Hello?" He asked into the phone. He heard another man on the phone slightly gasp.
"Oh I'm so sorry, wrong number." He heard the man say in a rushed tone.
"No! Um, I mean sorry..its okay." Cas replies slightly upset.
"Wait do you happen to just move here?" Cas heard and his mouth formed a 'O'
"Yeah, it is I the great one who just moved to the shit dump." He relied with a scoff.
"Excuse me hoe come over to your window and say that to my face."
"I kid, I kid!" He threw his arms up in defence even though he can't see him. He walked over to his window to see a taller looking guy with light brown hair throwing pebbles at his house.
"Get off my lawn!" He joked as he started to climb down from the ladder convinetly placed by his window.

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