Return of the Pevensies

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[Edmund's P.O.V]

We're on our way home. I could finally return to the love of my life. Aloe. I've missed her so much lately. I miss our late night talks about the future. I miss our endless walks around the derelict parts of Narnia. I longed for her long hugs and the sweet smelling scent of her hair. I've just missed her so much. Words cannot express how much I love her. *sigh* If only one knew...

Anyways, for the past month we have been exploring the Danabue  Islands. We have been meaning to make peace with this kingdom for some time now, but already it is proving difficult. Their culture is so much different to ours. Everyone looked like royalty. You couldn't tell the difference between commoners and those of a higher status. I swear to Aslan that the King was wearing the same garments as five other people. How embarrassing.

The King overall was very welcoming. He was young like us. Well in a way. He looked around twenty to twenty-five years old. Much like Peter's age (remembering that Narnian time pushed us three years ahead). He was quite handsome and mature in a way. He as well was a recruit from England. He told us over dinner that his aunt Polly had some special connection to this certain wardrobe, much like the one Lucy said she found back in England, and one day he just happened to 'fall in'. Very credible in my eyes. He explained it in the strangest way...

"Welcome, I am King Christopher," greeted the young looking man stood in front of me. 

"Aren't you a bit young to be King?" I piped up earning a slap from Susan. Gosh. I was only wondering.

"No it's alright," King Christopher laughed, "I was crowned after my father, King Lucas Christopher, who died in battle."

The air was filled with awkwardness. From the looks of things the rest of my siblings were paying their respects. 

"Shall I show you around then?" King Christopher announced. We all nodded our heads and followed on.


"This spot here that is surrounded by glass was the spot I landed in when I first arrived in Narnia. I was only a young boy and was homeless. I came from this place called England. Life wasn't so great there either. I was five and my aunt Polly took me in a year after my parents died. Little did she know I had been living on the streets for half of that year," King Christopher explained.

"But wait," I questioned," If you're parents died, how were you named after your father?"

"The fall led me to having short term memory loss. When my Narnian father found me, I couldn't remember my name, so he renamed me himself. He raised me as his own." He exclaimed. There was a short pause of silence to pay our respects for King Lucas. From the way Christopher described him, he sounded like a great father. Just like my own. Gosh I miss him.

"As for how I fell into Narnia, it was very unexpected," Christopher started, "The wardrobe my aunt used to have was something I wasn't supposed to touch. It was beautiful, but one day she decided to sell it. She said it was dangerous and wasn't safe for me."

"But if your aunt sold it, how did you fall in?" Peter piped up.

"The day before she gave it away, I went to see it one last time. I walked closer to it when  I heard a low growl coming from behind me," Christopher mentioned.

'Aslan' I thought to myself.

"I was frightened so I went to my first instinct and ran into the wardrobe," He said with a chuckle, "I tried leaning against the back but I couldn't find it. I heard a knock on the door and got even more frightened ending with me toppling over into Narnia."

After that we spent a few days getting to know the King and his  strange place of a kingdom. He overall seemed like a nice guy, but he did have eyes for both of my sisters. Christopher recommended  we stay for longer which I'm guessing Peter was recommending also, but  I argued saying that Aloe will want us home by now.


"Clear, you can all vacate the ship your majesties," The Captain shouted across the board. The four of us climbed down the rigid wooden plank on to the dock of Cair Paravel.

There waiting were all of the castle's workers and servants cheering at our arrival. Four maids had come to place our Narnian crowns on our heads and a further four draped us with silk capes. How I loved being royal. It may be quite shallow of me to say so, but I've never received this much attention before. I would like to cherish it while I can. 

Just as we finished talking to many of the servants an ear piercing fanfare was played by six trumpet players, who were ten feet away from the dock.

"Introducing..." a soldier yelled loudly, "High Queen Aloe the Wise!"

There she was. The love of my life, looking elegant as she always was. Her hair was longer than I last saw it. It had turned a lighter shade and was much straighter than she last had it. Her dark brown locks of hair were now a glistening chestnut. Her hair came to about her waist and was tied up in a half-plaited updo with flowers threaded throughout her braids. 

She walked elegantly, yet confidently through the crowd before stopping in front of us.

"Welcome back, Kings and Queens of Narnia," She announced before bowing before us. The four of us kneeled back, but when I came to rise again I caught Aloe in the  eye. Her eyes full of happiness and joy. I couldn't take the wait anymore. I wanted her in my arms already. 

We stood staring each other in the eye for a good minute. It just felt right. My heart raced when I looked at her. My breath hitched at her beauty. It was just me and her. Forever...

"Ouch!," I cursed as Peter shoved me out of my prolonged gaze. He looked at me with a 'get on with it' look and realised that everyone was waiting for the royal couple to embrace already. 

I looked back at Aloe and she smiled stupidly at me. I opened up my arms and she ran, despite the velvet red dress she was wearing, straight into my arms where I finally hugged her with all the love I could possible give. An eruption of cheers, claps and heckles came about from the surrounding Narnians. 

Peter, being my idiot of a big brother, started the 'Kiss' chant throughout all of the crowd. 

"I've missed you," Aloe whispered still being in my arms

"I've missed you too," I replied. We released from our hug and I finally shared the kiss I've been waiting a month for. It was sweet and passionnant. I missed her so much, it hurt to think I could be away from her. She was mine and I was hers. Aloe and I, for eternity.

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