The winning spike.

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Tsukishima stood on their side of the net, arms up, ready to block at any time. Taking a glance over at the scoreboard, he felt a drop of sweat run down the side of his face.
It was set point, both teams one point of winning. He turns his gaze back to the team opposite, their jerseys reading:


They moved swiftly, darting about the court and stopping most of their spikes. Although they won set 1, Karasuno won set 2, meaning the team to take the next set won the title of, as Hinata referred to them as, "The team that goes wapoh! And become champions!"
Tsukishima followed the movements of their best attackers, blocking most of their spikes and aiding in directing the ball to Kageyama, so he could toss it to one of their three attackers, either Asahi, Tanaka or Hinata.

Tsukishima watched Kageyama toss the ball up, Hinata darting up behind him. The team opposite had been expecting an attack from the other side of the net, so their defence was unorganized. Hinata slammed the ball down, earning the final point.
The stadium was quiet for a few seconds, everybody frozen with shock, even the players.
Then, the audience exploded with shouts, their clapping almost deafening. Tsukishima stood, rooted to the spot.

We won.

Daichi and Suga were already hugging each other, both with tears in their eyes. Kageyama and Hinata, much to everyone's surprise, were sharing a kiss, which caused the cheers to get louder.
Tsukishima turned his gaze to Asahi and Nishinoya. Asahi was holding Nishinoya up by the armpits, spinning him round and round. He felt a small smile creep onto his face as he caught his brother's proud smile up behind their banner.
All of a sudden, he was tackled by someone, almost falling over but just about managing to regain his balance.
Tsukishima looked down, his eyes meeting Yamaguchi's, full of joy.
"Tsukki, we won! We won!!" He shouts, laughing.
Tsukishima, finding he can't hold it back, smiles widely at Yamaguchi.
"Yeah, I guess we did."
He pulls Yamaguchi's face closer, pressing their lips together. He hears the cheers of their teammates in the background, even Tanaka yelling, "At last!!"

But at that moment, to Tsukishima nothing else mattered.

I've won in more ways than one.

yo guys, this is just a quick little chapter i whipped up. The idea was given to me by my good friend AnimeAlchemist
Sorry its really short and not that well written, I'm a bit tired :p
anyways, thanks for reading, baii for now!

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