I love you...

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K. Michelle P.O.V

2 weeks later

It's all white, it was like I was in heaven but I wasn't I was close. It was beauitful but, I miss Ava and Aubrey. I wanted to wake up but, I couldn't and I just keep walking around in my so called dream paradise and I saw Tremaine. I smiled surpised, and I ran up to him and hugged him.

"Tremaine, I missed you" I said and he hugged me back his embrace feeling warm

"I missed you too baby girl, but why are you here. Your not supposed to be here" He said and we pulled from the hug

"I don't know, I only have small flash backs of why I'm here" I said confused

"I've been watching over you, I've seen you and Ava. She's beautiful just like her mother" He said and he made me smile in Awe

"Trey are we in Heaven?" I asked and he laughed

"No baby girl, I am. But I am, just here to guide you. You've been given a second chance. I love you Kimberly and I will always be forever. Know I'm always watching over you, beauitful. Now it's time to go" He said kissing my hand and everything fadded away turning black

I started hearing the things around me, hearing a heart beat, someone praying wait that voice it sounds familar it's my mother.

It all came slowly to me, I opened my eyes slowly, and I turned to see her praying over me holding my hand. I smiled weakly and she opened her eyes in shock and smiled.

"My baby! Thank you lord jesus" She said hugging me and I groaned at the pain, I was feeling all through my body

"Oooh wait here, I'll get the doctor. I'll be right back" She said and she ran out the room and I looked around the room seeing flowers around me and gifts

It's good to be back hunty


Aubrey P.O.V

"Daddy can we go see mommy" Ava said pouting

"Yeah, what's wrong Princess" I asked and she sighed

"I miss mommy" She said

"I miss mommy too, come on let's go visit her" I said putting on my coat and I picked her up putting her coat and I went into Ace's room

(Aubrey's and Karrchue's son name) To see he was sleeping so, I slipped his coat on and picked him up and left out

I been going to see Kim everyday after, I take Ava and Ace to school. I been praying that she will should wake, I miss her so much. When she wakes I've been thinking about doing something, it might be early but I need her for the rest of my life.

Me and Kim's mom have gotten closer, she been helping me with the kids and been with me going to see Kim. Some days I cry, and some days I get mad at the world.

Hating everything that has happen, hating my past because, it's the reason why the love of my life is in the hosptial because of me.

Sinful, that's how my life has been. I've been killing since, I was 16 that's when I started the six. I want to change but, it seems like stuff like this, keeps making me come back. I got to be a better example for my son, I don't need him following in my foot steps.


Before we made it to the hosptial I picked up some roses for Kimberly, I knew how much she loved them.

Once we arrived at the hosptial, I had Ace sleeping on me while I carried him and Ava walked holding my hand. I smiled at the two glad to have two childern of my own.

We walked into the room to see it was crowded with people. Seeing Honey, Alex, Bey,Kim's mother, and doctors. I pushed through and I saw Kim up, and my eyes lit up and so did Ava's she ran in, running to Kim.

"Mommy" She screamed and Kim's eyes went to Ava's little self and Kim's mom picked her up and put her in the bed with Kim

"Mommy I missed you" Ava said and Kim kissed her cheek

"I missed you too princess" She said holding on to Ava and Kim finally looked up to notice me and she smile while I stood in all shock

"Can you all give us a moment" She said and everyone nodded

"Ugh daddy" Ava said getting up walking out the room with Bey and Kim's mom got Ace out of my arms and once, everyone left out

Kim motioned me to come over to her, I walked slowly over to her getting on my knees next to her and she smiled weakly at me.

"I missed you" She said softly smiling

"I missed you more, I heard you and I listened to you. I took care of bussiness" I said and she laughed shaking her head and I looked at her confused

"I don't care about any of that. Aubrey I'm just happy to be back and that I'm with you" She said and I grabbed her hand kissing it and she looked at the roses in my hand

"Awww your so sweet, I remerber Tremaine use to buy me roses every week. It was a symbole for love, in our deal we could never love each other but the roses was his saying I appericate you and I love you" She said and I just listened

"I love you Aubrey" She said surpising me and I looked up at her and she smiled

She said it

"I love you too." I said and we kissed like it was going to be our last time

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