Chapter 2

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"No nightmares this time," Arin joked, "If you do have one, though, you can wake me up anytime."
"Hey, I'm sure it was just a one-night thing," I said, mainly to myself.
"Okay, goodnight," and Arin fell asleep at that.
"Goodnight," I chuckled softly at how quickly he could get to sleep.
• • •
Another dream. I was driving, and everything seemed normal. Then, I heard the sound of a huge truck from behind me. It was getting closer and closer. Closer, closer, closer- CRACK! Me, along with my car, was hit. I was to assume I died.
• • •
I wake up. I could already tell it was late. Arin was still asleep, and I consider waking him up. ... No, I'm fine. I'll be fine. I'll just try to go back to sleep.
• • •
I was cramped in an extremely small area. I didn't know where I was. It was pitch black. Then, I noticed the room shrinking. I panicked; what do I do?! Then, it stopped. The room was barely able to keep me in it. I wouldn't be surprised if some bones were broken. Then, I couldn't breathe.
• • •
It's still either very early or very late. Arin was still asleep. Should I wake him up? I asked myself again. I finally cave in, nudging Arin, poking him gently.
"Arin," I whispered, hoping for him to answer.
"Mmhhh," Arin grunted drowsily, "Hey, Dan."
"I had more nightmares," I whimpered, hugging him.
"Woah," Arin seemed a bit surprised, "Please don't be sad," he begged me.
"I just can't sleep," I explained, "I'm sorry for waking you up."
"Don't be," Arin sat upright; I still hadn't let go of him, "It's not your fault. You're just scared, and don't know what to do."
"Thanks," I tried to cheer up, "You're so nice to me. I'm so lucky to have you."
"Aww, I'm lucky to have you," Arin grinned at me.
    I sniffled, "I just wanna sleep. I'm tired."
    "It's okay, shh... I'm here, I can help you," he stroked my messy hair.
    "Thank you," I quietly whispered, "Thank you so much."
    "I just want you to be okay."
    "I know," I was about to cry; I was just so tired, but I couldn't get to sleep, no matter what happened, "I- Arin, help."
    "What can I do to make you feel better?" Arin was handling to situation quite calmly.
    "I-I don't know," I blinked back tears, even if I knew it was futile.
    "Dan... Shhh... It'll be okay, you're going to be okay."
    "It's only been two nights," I pointed out to myself, "And I can't handle it. Who knows how long this will last?"
    "Do you need me to get you anything?" Arin was slowly losing his cool. By his expression, he looked sad and worried.
    "I'm fine," I finally started crying, the tears finally being freed.
    "Dan... Don't cry. D-don't cry, you're making me cry," he whimpered; it was true. I looked up to see Arin crying for me.
"Stop," I begged, "Arin, you don't have to cry. I'm- I'm fine," I wiped away my tears.
"Yeah, sorry," Arin apologized, "I was trying to stay calm, but..." Arin sighed, "It's hard to do that when someone close to you is going through all this. You can keep crying if you want."
I continued to sob, "Y-yep. Arin, I've been so stressed," I finally admitted, "So much has happened. So much has changed."
"I'll help you through it," Arin promised.
"I wanna go to sleep," I whispered, "But I won't be able to."
"I'll stay up with you, then."

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