Chapter one

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You never wanted to go to collage, but your parents forced you. It's always was just dumb, spending your entire life in school.

You do the same thing everyday, you wake up, shower and get on the bus. You sit next to someone while listening to Halsey & Mel, than you go to class. Until suddenly he came in, with his silky smooth hair, brown almost black with a patch of blue. He looked like sonic the hedgehog but he was perfect, I wish I could tell you how he looked but words couldn't explain him.

As you get on the bus, it was full with only one seat left. You sit down and he's right next to you, as you pause your music he pauses his. "Whats up I'm Diego, what's your name?" He asked you with the most beautiful voice "I'm y/n" you make small talk until it's time to get off.

As you walk off you hear his voice, "y/n wait, give me your phone for a second" you don't question and hand it right over. It takes a few seconds until he give it back, and nothing was wrong with it. You hurry off to your class and finish off you day normally until later.

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