Chapter 12

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I could hear the slow beep interrupt the dark that surrounded my whole body. The beep sounded like a machine and I could feel the sheets now, I was on a bed with rough, crisp sheets. There was pulling sensation on my arm and my stomach, thighs and wrists were stinging dully. My head pounded like it had been smashed against a brick wall a few thousand times.

There was a hand grasping my bandaged one it was big and strong although it was clammy yet familiar, to familiar. The memories hit me, the photo, him, the blood and tears all smashed into me like a 10 ton truck.

No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.

I'm not suppose to be here, I'm suppose to be in paradise. I can't do this. I don't wanna get better, I just wanna die.

A slow groan escaped my cracked dry lips and scratchy, hoarse throat. The hand gripping mine tightened as a tired, familiar voice said, "Malory? Mel I'm here. I'm so sorry Mel. Malory?"

My eyelids struggled to open clogged by the gunk that had built up in my eyes. How long had I been out. The first thing I had noticed was the glistening white room, pristine and clean and the smell, like someone had gone a little overload on the hand sanitizer. My eyes slowly adjusted the glare of the bright room and I looked to see I was in a private room, a tv was mounted on the wall and a small window that had baby blue drapes which were opened letting in the bright light. Next to my bed was a machine that beeped away showing a vary of graphs and numbers that I didn't have the effort to distinguish and the pulling on my arm was a needle attached to packet of clear fluid held up on a metal pole. Great a drip.

"Malory? Mel, I'm not leaving I promise," the familiar voice said.

I turned my head to look into a pair of concerned, tired blue-green eyes. His face was a mix of sadness, hurt, blame and I could see the faint tear marks left on his cheeks.

I groaned again pulling my hand from his grasp and rasped, "just leave me alone."

I could see the look of hurt fill his face before I attempted to role to my side that wasn't facing him before whimpering and staying on my back staring that way instead. The tears rolled their way down my face as I pictured what they would do with me, send me to mental hospital, fill me with drugs and stab me with needles. Or even worse make me eat.

"No." Jackson said sternly.

"I don't want you here," I whispered.

"I'm sorry Mel, okay?" I could here the desperateness laced in his weary words, "that photo doesn't mean anything now, that girl is nothing. You're the only one that means something to me Mel. Heck, would I have been by your side day and night if I didn't care?"

I looked at him now turning my head to look into his concerned, alarmed eyes. His beautiful eyes stared back at me almost like there wasn't anything more important, like I was a fragile baby bird he didn't want to hurt. I could see now the empty coffee cups that lay on a tray near the door and the purple shadows that lay beneath his eyes from lack of sleep. He was in the same clothes from the last time I had seen him and his hair was scruffy and extremely sexy.


He cut me off, "no, I want to tell you something first," he reached over and slipped his hand into mine, "I promised you I would never leave you alone and this is me keeping that promise. Ever since I saw you on that bridge every instinct in my body told me to turn around but I was drawn to you Mel. Your beautiful hair and beautiful eyes that I could easily get lost in. Your beautiful figure and lips that I crave to touch with my own. You are perfect Malory Thorne, you have made me feel a way that no one else has made me feel. I'm so sorry Mel, so sorry."

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