How It Started.

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Iris POV

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Iris POV

I watched TFIOS all the time and it always got to me. "Shhh. It's okay Iris. We are here for you. We can get through this together," Danny said with the sweetest voice ever. "I love you guys so much!!" I said with the MOST CRINGE WORTHY smile ever. Paul started laughing. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK . "I got it."  I got up and opened the door only to see my former friend Emily and her boyfriend (my crush) Isaiah. "Can I help you?" I said with a fucking attitude. I can't believe she has the nerve to come and knock on my door, knowing that I don't like her. "Ummm, I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go to comm-icon   with me and Isaiah? We know that you like Grant Gustin, and he is going to be there." She said looking down. "One second. Iris can we talk to you real quick?" "Yea sure." I closed the front door. "Are you really going to consider going with THEM?" "Well maybe. You know that I have the BIGGEST crush on him. So whats the problem?" "Well the problem is that you also have the BIGGEST crush on Isaiah! And that THEY don't know you are-" "Don't. Please don't." "Sorry." I walked away and opened the door only to see Emily and Isaiah making out. "I-" "OMFG I'm sorry. So Umm, do you have an answer?" Isaiah asked blushing. "Actually I do. I will go. But only because the guys are coming to." "Wait??? What???" They all asked in unison looking at me like I had two fucking heads. "Stop looking at me like I have two fucking heads. Either they come with, or fuck it. Which one?" "No. Iris can I talk to you?? Please??" Isaiah asked glaring at Paul and Danny. "Ummm, sure." He quickly took my hand and squeezed it. "Oww!! WTF YOU ARE HURTING ME!! LET GO!!!" He finally let go. "Sorry. Anyway, I don't want them to go." "Why? They are my best friends?" "Because I don't okay?" "Why!?!?!?!" He walked up close to me, put his hand on my waist, pulled me close and kissed me.

Isaiah POV

I felt sparks fly, but she didn't kiss me back. No. Instead she pulled away, and slapped me. "WTF was that for?!" "That was for kissing me. And you do know that I have a boyfriend right?" "You have a what?? Since when??" "Actually we started dating about a year ago. I just never told anyone." "Oh. I-I-I am sorry. I-I-I just like you and-" "You what??!! Nooooooooooooooooo!!!" She started running back into her house, when she collapsed. "Guy's!!! Hurry!!! She's-she she" Danny and Paul ran outside

Iris POV

The last thing I saw through the window was Paul and Emily making out.


-She' Maynard


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