Chapter One

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Harry's P.O.V.

A senior. Today I am officially a senior. That must be why I feel different. Somehow I feel anxious, and im not sure why. Louis said it was just nerves, but it feels...different. Normally I wouldnt have thought twice about how I looked or what anyone thought, especially at school. At least, not since-no, I cant think about that right now. For some reason, today I feel like a..a human. Its been years, but that one feeling of being so insecure seems to be coming back. Liam looked over at me, with that same look in his eyes, before we walked out the door. Always the look, the look of pity, the look of worry. Liam, always worrying that im gonna snap. That one more comment muttered behind my back will set me off, but I could care less. Pulling up to the school, I hopped out before the car had a chance to stop. I hated not being able to run to school, riding in that stupid car was much too slow and left me too much time to think. I looked back, and sure enough Louis was running, tripping over his feet and nearly falling-fairly normal for him. He mustve seen that girl again. The one that he said "Made him feel like gravity no longer existed, it was only her." I had laughed in his face while Liam and Zayn glared at me. They knew he had been claimed, as they had, and thought it was insensitive to laugh at his love. The laugh was the only sound I had made since Michael died. As soon as I thought of him, I felt tears welling in the corners of my eyes. He was my best friend....he was also my brother. I couldnt bear to think of him today, when there was so much to do. I ran to the front desk to get my schedule, and bumped into someone coming out the door, and she dropped everything she was holding. I bent down to pick up her books, and handed them to her. "Im so sorry im such a klutz, I cant walk withou-" she stopped mud sentence when she looked up at my face. I smiled, and she just blushed, mumbled a thanks, and kept going out the door. I looked back, and I swear, it was as if everyone had left, and she was the only person there. As soon as she was out of sight I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I turned around and there stood Louis, with our schedules in hand and a smirk on his face. "Not so funny now huh?" he said and grabbed me by my shoulders steering me towards the hallway, and straight to our first class.

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