Chapter 1

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It is our seventh anniversary in a few months and we are still going strong. Ian and I , we were married straight out of law school. We are both corporate lawyers and have a busy fulfilling life. Lately however there has been a restlessness in him and I am terrified of losing him. I am terrified that this is the seven year itch! Ian is a tall broad shouldered hunk of a man and I have seen women throwing themselves at him. It has never bothered me up until now since I am no loser in the looks department . I am tall almost 5"9 with short ash blonde hair. I have been told my grey-green eyes are beautiful and Ian adores me but inspite of all this , now I am anxious since I know he is restless.

Ian wants a spiced up sex life. Up until now things were great between us. We were both hot for each other and could not keep our hands off each other. We have been known for going at it in the most unlikely places with the most exquisite results I might add. I heard him talking to one of our colleagues the other day. He was saying that ten years is a long time to be consistent ! It was'nt what was said rather what was implied that worries me.

So the other night I started talking to him about a fantasy while we were making love. I told him I was imagining us on a sun drenched morning on a beautiful beach , sunbathing nude , and then we would be served drinks by a beautiful naked woman and then we would make love right there and then not caring who saw us.

Hearing this he got really turned on and whispered back that he was imagining the beautiful woman watching us and then joining us in our loving. She would lean in over us as he would be sucking my beautiful pink nipples and then she would cup him with one hand and with the other she would stroke me all the while licking my other nipple.

I have to admit that hearing him talk about it made me wetter and our lovemaking that night was especially passionate. So now we talk about it all the time and including fantasy scenarios has spiced up our sex life a lot. He talks to me in his low husky sexy voice and I feel myself getting wetter and wetter and then when he touches me with his large talented hands he moans in pleasure. Then when I reach out to touch him I find that he is so hard and already dripping into my hands.

So now I am wondering if maybe I should make at least one of his fantasies true. After all that is the true tradition in love, is'nt it? Making all your lovers dreams come true !!!!!

Maybe I will gift him his fantasy on our anniversary . Who knows, it could be the start of a beautiful new turn in our relationship.

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