Chapter 8

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"Beside you..." I heard a voice and turned quickly, just in time to see a fist fly towards my face. I brought my hand up, catching it just before it made contact.

Shika laughed, "Little Fartnugget. What's going on with you?"

I smiled, shaking my head, "I'll tell you and Kiro later."


"They know!"


I looked past the other trees and into a flat plane of grass.

"Earth to Rin!" Ayato said, jumping down.

I looked at the three of them, then yawned, "They know because they're the other dragons..."

"But how?" Shika asked.

"Didn't they disappear?" Ayato asked quickly.

"I had hoped they did too, but they didn't I guess."

"Are you going to go with them?" Kiro said out of nowhere.

I shook my head laughing. "There's no way."

Rin, past the house.

My eyes snapped their attention to the house on the other side of the field. My Dragon vision scoped in, seeing two of the dragons standing there.

"Rin. Your eyes are doing it again." Ayato commented, looking over to where I was. "Wait, aren't those..."

I nodded my head, muttering lowly to myslef, "What do they want now."

"Why not go and see?" Shika said, thinking aloud.

I nodded, jumping down, "You guys stay here, I'll be right back."

One of the guys jumped down and I looked back seeing it had been Ayato. "I've gotta get back to guard duty. See ya later kid."

"That an invitation to stay the night?" I asked, smirking. He looked back and stuck out his tongue while smirking.

"You can decide that for yourself."

I shook my head smiling, "Alright then."

I heard laughing behind me and turned to see Shika hiding behind Kiro, trying not to laugh. I sighed heavily and made my way over to the dragons.

"What do you want."

This time it was the green and blue dragons. "He wanted to talk to you."

I looked at the blue dragon, "What did you want to say?"

"To reconsider."

"My awnser is no. And I'm not changing it either."

"Then I want to know why."

"I'm not going to leave all the people I care about to go on some stupid journey that will most likely get me killed."

They looked at me smiling, "Listen, we don't really want you to come."

"Then why are you here?" I retorted.

The green dragon stepped in front of the blue dragon, "Because Yona does."

I clenched my teeth, then heard a low whistle. Behind me Shika and Kiro looked around, then jumped up onto the roof, taking off. I turned and ran off as well. Ayato was in trouble. I heard the dragons following me, trying to get my attention. "Look, I'll talk to you guys later, I have to deal with this first."

With that I was gone from their sights. I followed the low whistling, stopping on a roof, seeing Ayato was standing next to the head guard, looking at me smirking. I laughed, noticing Kiro and Shika were on the other side looking at me, smiling and shaking their heads.

"Going to come and play?" He laughed from below. The guards drew their bows, all aiming at me.

I looked up at the sun, then nodded, "I've got some time to play."

I jumped down from the roof, going after the archers first, taking them down one by one.

Behind you Rin.

I turned, kicking, meeting Ayato's arm. He grabbed my leg, flipping me, pulling out a dagger and holding it close to my neck.

"The captain is the weakest. Take him out and worry about the others later." He whispered.

I grabbed his arm, throwing him into a house near-by. Then ran at the leader of them, kicking his sword out of his hand. Other reinforcements showed up, swinging their swords at me. I smiled, jumping onto a cart, then onto the roof of a house.

"Come and get me dear Captain!" I stuck my tongue out, laughing. The captain hesitated, but yelled to his men.

"All of you get back! He's mine!"

The other soldiers stepped back, watching their Captain warily.

No trust in your captain huh. Kinda pathetic.

"Happy now?! Get down here and fight me!"

I nodded, using the walls of the close houses to descend. Then I ran past him, going straight for his soldiers first. The captain could wait. I kicked one, sending ten stumbling over each other.

"Pretty bad placement of your men. Amateurs."

I felt wind behind me and moved quickly, barely avoiding the Captain's sword coming down on where I stood. "How dare you insult us!"

I jumped back, landing straight up. "You know, it would be better to have them so they could seal off my exits."

I moved to the side, then jumped, using my hand to upright myself so I would be away from Ayato's attack. "And being a bit quieter would help out a lot too."

I stood back up, facing them all, hearing a whistle in the distance.

Rin, its almost time to go, don't forget your agenda today.

"Yeah yeah I know." I mumbled, then looked back up, "Well its been nice-"

"You're not going anywhere." The captain had his sword to Ayato's neck.

Good luck now.

"Take one more step and I'll kill him."

"Why would I care?" I smirked, then yawned boredly.

"Well, he is your boyfriend after all. You think we're stupid don't you? Its been going on for months. He would sneak away to you rats then come back like a true soldier."

"And if I told you I was using him for information about the castle? I mean honestly, you think I could actually love someone who would betray their allies so quickly."

I saw Ayato flinch at the cruel words, but the guard spoke again, "Then you won't mind me killing the traitor."

I smiled, holding my hands up, "Fine you got me, but before you do actually have me, you should let him go."

The captain smirked back, "Why would I do something stupid like that?"

"Let him go and I'll go with you."

"No one should trust a rat."

"Fine then, if I hand myself over, that being the only way you'll ever be able to catch me, will you let him go free?"

The captain clenched his teeth.

I turned around, "Or I could just leave." I started walking but heard him yell from behind me.


I smirked victoriously at the man and walked over with my hands in the air. The soldiers grabbed me, pinning my arms behind me and shoving me against a wall.

The captain didn't let go of Ayato.

"Your turn."

"You thought I'd actually let him go?!" He laughed.

"No I honestly didn't. Even so Ayato can handle himself."

The captain glared daggers at me. "Take him away!"

I smiled, "See ya later Ayato!"

I could hear Ayato laugh under his breath as the guards roughly shoved me towards the prison.

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