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My life hasn't ever been complicated. Well, maybe a little complicated.

I live with my mother, father, and brother, Franklin Mellark. Franklin was named after the Franklin Tree that was once endangered, but District 11 was able to reproduce it  when it was at the brink of extinction. There are now millions of it all around Panem. He has blonde hair, and grey eyes. Franklin grew up a healthy lifestyle, until he turned eight and started threatening that he would kill himself. I rarely see him nowadays, since he is always locked up in his room, so he can't harm himself. He even goes to a doctor every month, but they can't seem to figure out what is wrong with him.

Next, there's my mother, Katniss Everdeen. One of the winners in the 74th Hunger Games. Yes, I do know about this cruel event. I was told of it at the age of thirteen. Along with the other adventures she would go on. I'm proud of my mother for being rebellious. She stood up for what she believed in. Sure, it did mean she would have to lose many valuable things in her life, but she risked it all, and in the end, changed the lives of so many people. She doesn't really do much now, but she does give out money to families that need it, now that my family is eternally rich. My mother is so generous; wish I could say the same about my father.

My father, Peeta Mellark, was the other winner of the 74th Hunger Games. He's never been that father I have always dreamed of. I actually barely ever talk to him, with the fear of getting him angry at me for nothing. My mother has told me why he's like this, and I try to respect that. But, sometimes that just slips my mind, and he becomes a stranger to me. He's never told me 'I love you', he's never told me 'I'll do anything for you'. Never showed any respect to me whatsoever. He even threw me into a lake when I was three, and I didn't know how to swim. I could've drowned, but luckily, Uncle Gale saved me.

Then there's Uncle Gale. He's not actually related to me, but I like to think so. He used to work in District 2, but moved back to District 12, when he married to a woman he worked with, Jade Witherspoon. My mother doesn't trust him, because he supposedly "killed" her sister, Primrose. I'm not saying I don't regret ever meeting her, but I'm sure he wouldn't kill anyone on purpose. She was just in the right place at the wrong time. Anyway, even though my mother used to hunt with a bow and arrow, she never taught me how to use one. That's where Uncle Gale comes in. One day, I was at the lake, throwing rocks in it, and Uncle Gale saw me. He noticed the incredible strength I had, and promised to teach me how to use this power, correctly. So, every Wednesday I sneak out, and meet up with him in the vast forest. He teaches me how to throw knives, swords, and spears, and to use this to defend myself or hunt.

Lastly, there's Victor Hawethorne, (or Vick, that's his nickname.) the son of Uncle Gale and Jade, and my best friend. When Uncle Gale started training me, Vick came along, and him and I started to grow a friendly relationship. I've never thought of him more than that, but sometimes I wonder if he does. He has a little sister, Lady, or how I like to call her, the mini devil. She causes trouble all the time, and pulls pranks everywhere.

There's also Haymitch Abernathy, who drinks all the time. He's really not too important, so we can skip him.

We can't leave out one person. Me! I'm Rue Mellark. I have dark brown hair and blue eyes. I live in District 12, with my mother, father, and brother. I was named after a competitor my mother went against in the Hunger Games. It doesn't make any sense to me, but as long as it make sense to her, I'm good with it. I live in one of the Victor homes that weren't destroyed in the bombing of District 12. We live between Haymitch and Uncle Gale. Everyone has been helping to rebuild District 12, and it looks way better than how it looked before the bombing. My mother has shown me pictures.

So, there's my life. I never thought it could ever get worse, until something horrid happened. Until something happened that nobody ever thought would happen. The Hunger Games came back.

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