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"I want to leave, Clermont." Camila whispered urgently. He shushed her and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close to him.
"We can't." He replied.

"I know." Her voice broke and her bottom lip began to tremble.

"I just...I just...I wish I had..."

"It's okay. Shh. It's okay." He told her, clutching her head closer to himself.  Her red hair stuck out in the dark room as it wound around Clermont's fingers. Ludmila had crossed her arms over her chest and was staring at the door.

"Dumb bitch." She murmured at the ceiling.  "The freaking Gossip Girl marathon is on tonight." SHe huffed. She let out an exasperated sigh and raised her head toward the roof.

"Hear that bitch! I'm missing the Gossip Girl marathon because of you! I hope you rot in hell!" All of the teens turned to look at her. Startled by the sudden outburst. Marco rushed over to her side and placed an arm around her.

"My love, you need to calm down. All you are doing at the moment is pissing it off." He whispered to her. She looked at him.

"It should be mad." She stated, and turned back to her previous position. Marco sighed and walked over to Andres who was talking animatedly to Leon. 

"...We let it loose!" Andres finished glaring at Leon. 

"What?" Marco asked.

"Well, we let whatever spirit thing we were talking to before loose." Andres explained.

"So that means that this is all Leon's fault." Fran accused.

"What? How could you just pin the blame on me? You wanted to play to!"

"Yeah, but you found the board!"

"It was just sitting there asshat!"

"Hey! Don't speak to my girlfriend like that!" Fede yelled.

"Dude, stop defending that bitch!" Lean roared.

"Woah! We need to all calm down." Clermont intervened, placing his hands on each of their chests to keep them from ripping each other's throats out. All of their breathing was heavy it was the only sound in the room. 

"Can someone please explain what is going on?" Diego asked. Andres nodded and all of the teens gathered around.

"Well, you see, in rare instances the spirit summoned by a ouija board is powerful enough to break through the barriers to our side. Once this happens they begin to grow stronger on this side. I'm guessing, with the amount of lives that it has taken already, that it grows stronger every time it takes one. I mean, a spirit who is on the other side not even an hour shouldn't be able to do the things that it's doing." They all stared at him, mouths agape. Each one fearing for their life.

"How do you even know all this?" Ludmila asked. "For all we know, you could be telling us bullcrap."

"I could be, yes. But why would I lie about something this big? Plus I have researched this type of stuff plenty of times before. What can I say? I'm a fan of the supernatural." A door slammed and shriek was heard in the other room. The teens all looked at each other. 

"It probably found a party guest that was still alive." Marco reassured, but it sounded more like a question then a statement. The house was quiet other than the sound of the laboured breathing of 9 teenagers. Clermont let out a small whimper and 8 pairs of eyes turned to him.

"Cami's gone." He choked, the lump in his throat growing. Slowly, Fede, Fran, Leon and Diego crept toward the source of the shriek. They opened the door cautiously and Fran's breath caught. She clamped a hand over her mouth to stop her from crying out and tears began to pool in her eyes. Clermont ran over to them, desperate to see if it was Camila. On the floor in front of them lay a girl. she lay face down on the floor, her legs twisted at funny angles. Clermont wasn't paying attention to her pale legs though. Just the hair. The fiery red hair that stood out against the darkness, as usual. He didn't even have to turn her over to know it was Camila. He dropped to his knees and lost himself in his tears. Marco ran over to comfort him as best he could, but truth be told they were all grieving. Ludmila and Violetta locked eyes from across the room. And just like that they were down to nine.

I like this whole killing off character thing. It's fun ;)



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2016 ⏰

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