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Levi and the others are having a meeting when they heard an annoying sound down from the basement. Levi, ignoring it, continued to discuss the plan they are having. But once again the annoying sound was heard. It was a sound of paint being sprayed on the wall. Once they heard that sound of the spray can shaking, Levi had his last nerve.

He rushed down the basement followed by Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Hanji, Jean and Sasha. Levi opened the door to the basement, he already knew that someone is vandalizing the room so he said, "whoever you are, you must know that you'll be dead tomorrow morning."

Eren quickly found the vandalism on the wall on his left side. He tapped Levi's shoulder, who in response snapped his head revealing his sharp eyes to Eren. The hazel brown haired boy pointed to the wall with the vandalism.

The captain followed Eren's point finger and when he saw the vandalism he gritted his teeth. "What is this? Is this supposed to be joke? If it is, then I'm not amused." As Levi said this he moved closer to the wall.

Mikasa picked up the empty spray can from the floor. "Captain." Mikasa spoke as she handed it to the Captain. Levi just looked at it with disgust and waved his hand at Mikasa to dismiss the empty spray of can out of his sight.

All of them just stood there staring at the vandalism:


They all waited for Levi's orders however, Hanji couldn't keep it any longer, "HOW ABOUT WE TRY IT?" She said excitedly to Levi as she walked near him. He glared at Hanji and said, "Excuse me? We don't know who this "yatogami" is. What if we summoned it and it was a demon? We already have titans to slay we don't need more."

With that said, the Captain turned his heel and walked out of the basement but before he could open the door he spoke once more, glaring at them, "No one shall do this chant, and no one will ever know about it. These are orders." And with that he walked out of the room.

Hanji was devastated. She wanted to do this so badly because she wants to experiment new things. She also thought that this may be the solution to their problems, a sign from the gods. She thought that maybe this "yato-god" can help them from all this mess.

"Whatever you are planning, don't do it." Jean said to Hanji as he walked to the door followed by Sasha. Leaving Mikasa, Eren, Armin and Hanji inside the basement.

Hanji, being reckless as always, she chanted the vandalism three times. Armin shouted for Hanji's name but she wouldn't listen. She chanted it louder and louder until she already chanted it three times.


"Yukine! Doesn't it look good on me??" Yato said as he was wearing bunny ears on his head. "No. It doesn't look good on you." Yukine replied coldly.

Yukine and Yato went with Hiyori around the mall. "Hiyori, I'm so sorry Yato kept bugging me to go with you." Yukine said as he lowered his head to apologize.

"Thats totally fine Yukine. But it must've been hard for you."

"He is a living hell." Yukine remarked as he looked at Yato trying on different headbands. "Yukine look!" Yato raised a headband with cat ears on it. "This will look cute on you!" He went closer to Yukine as Yukine ran behind Hiyori.

"HIYORI SAVE ME." Hiyori grabbed both Yukines shoulder and placed him in front of her. Then Hiyori went next to Yato and got out her phone and opened the camera. "Yukine. Go for it." Hiyori said determined and gave him a thumbs up.

"E-EH????!!!" In the end, Yukine was wearing the headband. "It does look cute on you!!" Yato squealed.

"Yukine! Look over here and smile!"

"Yukine! Can you pose for the camera?"

"Pose like this Yukine!"

"Yeah like that! And then say 'YUKINYAN~' "

"Y-yukinya-- NO! Stop playing with me!" Yukine tossed the headband on the floor. "Aw come on Yukine" Yato said as he picked it up and placed it back to where it was before.

"It wouldn't even hurt if you just said--" As Yato was talking his phone rang. "WE HAVE A CUSTOMER!!" Yato screamed. He immediately answered his phone, "THANK YOU FOR CALLING FAST AND--"

Suddenly a black hole formed in Yato's phone then it started sucking him in. Yato reached out his hand for Yukine and he grabbed it. Then Hiyori grabbed on Yukine's coat and they all got sucked in. Leaving the phone on the floor.


The wall with the vandalism started to form a hole. "H-hanji. We told you.." Eren spoke as they all backed away from the wall.

Seconds later, Yato, Yukine and Hiyori came flying out the hole. "Ouch..!" Hiyori said in pain as she rubbed her head and stood up, "where are we..? What?!" She exlaimed as she saw the people in front of her. Yukine and Yato immediately stood up and had confused faces. So does Hanji and the others.

They all stared for a solid minute until they all lost it,


To be continued.

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