Chapter 5.

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-Farah's POV- 

After a few more boring routine-full days, more Aya/Lucas romance, and a few more flirting between me and Ethan, it was finally the weekend. We decided to do something fun this weekend, instead of sitting there like couch potatoes watching TV like last weekend. Our plan was partying at a enormous nightclub we passed by downtown at around 9. The invitation was ironically introduced by Ethan, and since we all were past 18, we had no problems in entering. 

It was a quarter-past eight now, and Aya was already having her shower after I had mine, while I waited here, picking my outfit. I settled on wearing something fun, but not slutty, just a black strapless top that had hot pink and white flowers all over, with a tight black mini skirt that reached my mid-thigh, and pink pumps. I decided to take my blazer with me, just in case it was cold. I put my phone and some money in a black clutch and went off to curl my hair. After I made sure it was perfectly curled, I opened my makeup box. My makeup for today had to be dangerous, not simple, but not too much either. One doesn't want to look like a clown in action. I applied some thick black eyeliner and pink eyeshadow that made my eyes pop, in addition to a little bit of pink blush, and finally bold pink lipstick. 

By the time I was done with everything, Aya was out of the shower picking her outfit after she had straightened her hair. It was a habit of hers to finish up styling her hair before dressing up, but I still didn't understand the point of it.

She wore a bright red dress that was loose at the top, but tight under her waist. She buckled a thin, loose, golden belt that matched the dress perfectly. She put on her golden peep toe pumps, and took out the new golden clutch she bought on out last shopping spree. Her makeup was a thin black eyeliner, golden eyeshadow, a tint of red blush, and bold red lipstick similar to mine.

"All good?" She asked as she looked doubtfully at me. 

"Yup." I said stressing on the 'p'. 

"The pink color matches you perfectly by the way." She said sincerely. 

"Doesn't it always." I chuckled. I only earned a little nod and a small smile from her, which meant something was up. 

"What's wrong?" I asked tapping on her shoulder. 

"Huh, um nothing." She said quickly. 

"Who are you fooling? Tell me what's up or I will spill the bottle of water in my hand on your beloved hair." I warned.

"Woah woah, anything but my hair." She backed away. 

"Then tell me." I smirked. 

"I don't know, it's just," she sat down. "Do you remember when I told you that I feel something will happen before it happens?" She looked uo at where I was standing.

"Yeah I do." I said, confused. 

"Yeah. I feel something bad will happen today, plus I am very nervous. I haven't partied in forever." She sighed. 

"Look, you don't have to worry about the thoughts you are having. It may be just coincidence. If something is meant to happen, it will." I smiled. "Oh and the party thing, we all know you are the most crazy dancer ever. It won't be long until you get used to the environment." I winked. She laughed. 

"Now let's go. Ethan just texted me and said they are waiting." I pulled her up. 

"Wait, Ethan has your number? You have Ethan's number? When? Where? How?" She was jumping up and down with a stupid grin stuck on her face.

"Calm the heck down." I shouted. She stopped and mouthed a 'sorry', but the smile wouldn't leave her face.

"So when?" She whispered-squealed. 

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