Chapter 1: News

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"Aw come on Rose! You could've shared the float thing with Jack!" I yelled at the tv screen. It won't do any good with me screaming since she can't hear me and Jack will die anyway.

"Are you seriously complaining to Jack that you're cold?" I yelled to Rose with my mouth full of Nutella. I didn't even need bread, I just had a spoon and a jar.

I'm sitting here yelling at tv characters when I need to be buying school stuff for my class. Smart move Cassidy.

I hate my inner voice. It always tells what I should be doing and it's always talking.

But it's right. School starts in 2 days and I don't have any supplies. I need to get my teacher books and extra pencils and paper.

I have a lot to do.

If you're wondering what subject I teach then thanks for wondering. I'm a photography teacher. I also teach English but that's only for 3rd period unless they switched me.

I don't mean to brag or anything but I'm a pretty bomb teacher. Just ask any student, even if they don't like me. Yeah, I'm that good.

"Hello?" I answered my ringing phone with my mouth full of Nutella so it probably sounded like 'Wello'.

"Hello Ms. Case?" I heard a deep voice ask. I checked the caller ID and saw it was my boss Mr. Maclemore. I swallowed the Nutella quickly to properly answer him.

"Hello Mr. Maclemore. How are you this early night?" I ask nervously and slightly embarrassed from how I answered the phone. I heard him chuckle before answering.

"I'm good. I'm good. Sorry to bother you but I'm just calling to tell you that you are assigned an assistant." He said catching my attention.

An assistant? I haven't had one of those. I didn't think I needed one.

"Oh okay. Is this part of the promotion requirements?" I ask not hiding my excitement. He knew I've been aiming for this since last year.

"Yes it is. Do good for at least 6 months and the promotion is yours." I couldn't hold it in. I yelled out yes and dropped my phone.

Realizing what I did, I picked up my phone with blazing red cheeks.

"I mean thank you Mr. Maclemore." I said face palming myself.

"No problem. I'm pretty sure Drew is equally as excited."

Drew huh? So my assistant's a girl?

"I bet. I don't mean to be rude but I have to go." I said going to my room to get dressed.

"No problem. See you Ms. Case." He said and hung up. I threw my phone in my bed as I went in my closet.

I have last minute shopping to do.

"That'll be $50.74." The cashier said in an obviously fake smile. I went into the pocket of my sweat pants to get my wallet. Yeah I went to the store in sweat pants and a tank top. It's 10 at night, I don't need any male attention.

"Keep the change." I said politely after handing her $65. It looked like she needed some sort of tip.

I grabbed my bags making sure I had everything I bought.

"Hey baby." Some guy said behind me. I automatically suspected he was talking to some other girl near him so I kept walking, looking through my bags.

"I said hey baby." I felt a hand on my arm and I turned around.

The first thing I noticed was his beautiful green eyes and his arrogant smirk. He was attractive, there's no doubt about that. Maybe too attractive.

"Yes?" I asked taking his hand off me. He looked back at his friends then back at me.

"Damn you look even finer in the front." He said making my jaw drop.

Is he serious right now? No other guys really talked about me like this to my face so it's surprising to hear it.

"Uh th-thank you? You too?" I said with blazing red cheeks. I bit my lip looking away because I know I already embarrassed myself.

I heard him chuckle so I turned my attention back to him. "I already know I'm damn fine sweetheart. How about you and me go back to my house? We can have fun at my place." He said licking his lips. His lips are the pinkest lips I've ever seen in person. They were perfectly moist and they were really hypnotizing.

"Uh I would but I'm not really a board game kind of person. What activities were you thinking of?" I asked looking at his confused expression.

"You don't get asked out a lot do you?" My cheeks warmed up at his question as I shook my head no. "Figures." He mumbled. "I'm asking you to come to my place so we can play in my bed." He whispered in my ear. My nice expression wiped away immediately.

"No you asshole." I said pushing him away. He looked shocked by my answer but composed himself quickly. I saw his friends laugh at him as I walked out the store.

What. An. Idiot.

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