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         Cars zoom by on a street in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Inside a grey house, a woman closed the blinds of her windows. Her name is Jessica Whitney, but her friends call her Jes for short. She recently got off on a vacation from work.

"I'm glad I decided to consult with my boss. I don't think I could made it through another week of work. So, what to do?"

A girl came from a room nearby and went up to Jes. It was her niece, Cindy Reilly.

"Cindy, what do you think I should do for this vacation?"

"Perhaps you could just have a stay-cation, Aunt Jessica." Cindy replied.

"I don't know. I really feel like going somewhere."

Knocking sounded off the front door. Jes opened the door to another woman. It was Victoria Green, Jes' best friend.

"Hey Jes." Tori said.

"Tori, I got a question for you." Jes said.

"Sure, what?"

"So, in case I haven't already told you, I recently took off from my work. Do you have any recommendations what I should do?"

"Whatever you feel like doing."

Jes sighed and went on a computer and began searching for vacation spots.

"You plan on going somewhere?" Tori asked.

"Yeah, somewhere. I don't know where. I never put too much thought into it."

"Why not visit Mexico City?"

"Mexico City?"

"Sure. I've never been there. I'm pretty sure you haven't been there either. Everybody says it's a great tourist spot. The only problem, we need to know Spanish. It's a part of international law."

"Well, I don't know any Spanish."

"Don't worry. I know. I can be the translator for you. It'll be a wonderful experience to visit another country."

Jes stood up. Then it's settled. We can go to Mexico City. Cindy, do you think you can handle being here at the house?"

"Of course. I have a dorm room. A house shouldn't be much different."

"Alright. All my problems are dealt with. Now, we need to settle on when to go."
"I heard that it's nice this time of year down there."

"We'll try to leave either near the end of the month if not November."

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