Log Date 1-11-2082

4 1 0

I looked at the time and it was 17:03. The dance starts in 27 minutes and I have to put on my dress and grab Charlie. I quickly took off my sweats that I was in and put on my dress which was a forest green that has lime green ruffled fabric. I put on my makeup and got my contacts in for tonight. For safety measures I grabbed my glasses just in case. I walked out my door and saw Charlie propped up against the wall with her tux on.

"You look amazing!" She said "I am lucky to have someone just as beautiful as you."

I blushed a little and smiled.

She held her arm out and asked "Shall we?"

I wrapped my arm around her's and we walked to the dance.
We made it to the bawl room which was located right below the command station. It had a huge chandelier hanging from the ceiling and there was orchestrated music playing in the background. I mingled with some of my friends and we were talking about the new system update and that my trying to get into that admin locked file. They ask how I got into the file and I just told them through luck. After I said Charlie wrapped her arms around my waist which spooked me a little. She went and held my hand which made my friends have weird looks and they said.

"Are you guys dating?" Said one of them. I responded with a simple nod.

"Awwwwwwwwwwww" they all said in unison.

That made me uncomfortable and blushing. I looked at Charlie, she nodded and she took me to the dance floor and we started dancing. We started waltzing and then I saw a sensor blink on FOV. It said that FU510N has been activated and I lost control of my body which was still in the waltz. I looked and saw my skin was getting brighter till it started turning white. I looked at Charlie and her skin was turning brighter it was white until we both came together and that point I saw only white for a few seconds then it went black.

I woke up to see everyone looking at me. My head hurt, body was uncomfortable, and my eye sight was blurry. I saw my purse and looked to see if my glasses were in there but I realized that they were on my face already. I stood up and I thought that everyone was short or I grew taller. I looked down and saw what I looked like and my eyes widened. I had a bow tie and a suit jacket that was mixed with my dress.

"We are beautiful aren't we?" Said Charlie but my lips were moving.

I don't then realized that we did the secret ability, we fused. I smiled and I started to have tears in my eyes.

"Well done Diane." Said Mr. D who appeared from the crowd, looking up me with a smile. "Didn't take long to find that ability now did it?"

Author's Notes: Heya guys I hope you guys enjoy this log date! I wanted add something new to this story so I took the chance to add it in. So yeah is saw how many reads there are and I saw 10 which I am happy about. I hope you guys enjoy the rest of the future chapters to come and as always stay awesome!

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