The voice?!

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Laurence P.O.V
I wake up in my bed and I remember what Garroth said.
He better not mess with my girl. Um. Friend that's a girl? Yeah that's what I meant.
I wake up to see Garroth with out a shirt flirting with Aph sitting at the bar. He was flirting/staring at her butt while she cooked pancakes
My hands balled into fist. So this is the game he wants to play aye..
I walk into the kitchen and towards Aphmau putting my hands on her waist.
She instantly frozed and blushed
"What you cooking" I ask
"P-Pancakes" she stuttered Turing around to face me our faces inches apart.
Then of course Garroth coughed making us lose eye contact.
Aphmau P.O.V
Laurence was acting kinda strange today... And his eyes just made my heart melt...
Garroth coughed and I lost focus.
I blushed and grabbed the plate of food and put it on the bar leaving Laurence's grip.
We all sat down and started eating. Laurence was more attacking his food than eating it.
"So what are we going to do today" questions Garroth
"Um I don't know" I responded
Then a phone rings coming from the kitchen landline.
I run and pick it up
"Hello?" I ask
"Hey" said a strange voice
"Who is this?" I ask
" This is your...."

Oh snap da Cliff hanger tho...
Who do you think the voice is or who do you want the voice to be?!

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