Chapter 4

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1:34 AM

Nothing had changed between us.

We still lived our normal, best friend lives.

It had been 3 weeks since that night in the park. And since it's come to my attention that Sawyer is in love with me, the more my feelings make themselves known.

We were both 18 now. However, maybe 5 years ago? I thought I was completely head over heels in love with Sawyer. I was thirteen. I didn't know what love was, hell, I probably don't know now. But I never said anything. Because of course, that was the age that girls had cooties.

Thinking about it now, 5 years and 3 weeks later, I don't think those feelings ever went away.


Ruby called that afternoon, asking me out on a girls night.

Of course I agreed. Ruby's girls' nights always meant fun and trouble, bundled all together. How much trouble could we possibly get in? Obviously I didn't think we could get in that much, but of course I was wrong, because by 3:47 AM, we were sitting in the police station.

Allow me to explain.

It was innocent fun. We were completely sober (other than the wine 3 hours earlier). It was currently 2:30 in the morning, and we were on our way to Martie's Golfing Greens. A complete impulse decision.

"Come on!" Ruby whisper-yelled.

"I'm comiiiing!" I replied. I was in my elf Christmas onsie and Chacos. Ruby was politely sporting a long sleeve shirt and grey comfy shorts. "Where the hell are you?"

"I'm over here. We are going to jump this fence and drive the golf carts!" She said.

No way in hell...

"You're insane, you know that?" I said as a tree branch hit me in the face. "Ah shit." I whispered.

"Yes darling, but all the best people are!" Ruby responded. I couldn't help but believe that she had a point.

We climbed over the fence with ease, like we'd been doing this for years. We have had our fair share of sneaking into and out of places, but never a golf course. Within 10 minutes, we were racing across the putting green, probably leaving marks. Thank God these golf carts were battery-powered because if they ran on gas, we would've been caught before even making it to the 3rd hole.

3:30 AM.

That's when the lights came on, and all I could think was, shit we're dead.

An authoritative voice came over a megaphone, telling us to exit the golf carts with both hands up.

"Damn. Moms going to kill me." Ruby said.

"Who said they had to know? Sawyer is always on speed dial." I responded.

The police came and put Ruby and I in handcuffs, then we were in the back of the police car and headed towards the station. When we arrived, we were placed in the holding cell and allowed one phone call.

I bet you can guess who I called.

Sawyer was at the station in 15 minutes. By now it was 3:50 and I was exhausted.

"What the hell did you two do?!"

A nice, warm welcome to you too, Sawyer.

"We were having fun. Sneaking in golf courses, no biggie." Ruby always had my back.

"Well, I'm taking you two home. Let's go."

On the way home, Ruby and I were belting Hello like our life depended on it. Once we reached my home, after dropping Ruby off, I was passed out in the passenger seat.

Sawyer carried me up to my room and tucked me in bed. I guess he thought I was completely asleep, however I wasn't. Before he left, I heard him whisper,

"Goodnight, Blakely. I love you."

I wanted to bring him in bed with me, and tell him how I felt.

I love you too, Sawyer.

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