32: Not Another Prophecy

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Long Prompt Warning!

In which two best friends discuss an ancient prophecy they had learned about.

Two friends, brothers even. One day (let's call him Lex) would turn against his friend and he would become the barer of darkness. His friend, (let's call him Clark) had astonishing powers and was a hero.

The two represent the balance between good and evil.

After talking about this prophecy, one friend says to the other, "This Clark guy is supposed to have the strength of 100 men and shoot fire from his eyes, right? If one person could do all that, he would be a formidable enemy. He could conquer the world. He could become a tyrant if nobody kept him in check. So I've been thinking. Anybody who'd be willing to fight him would have to be pretty brave. Mc/n, did it ever occur to you that maybe the hero of the story... is Lex?"

The Mc, who does have powers and has not revealed them to his best friend, gets the suspicion that maybe that prophecy isn't just a prophecy anymore.

In honor of Batman V. Superman

Credit for this prompt goes to the Smallville TV show.

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