Chapter Two

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Nothing could ever beat the sweet smell of fresh open air. Taking a deep breath I stand outside. The soft wind brushes my cheeks as my hair flows. My body feels chills from the  wind. The beautiful sun rise gets brighter, showing that time is going by. Even though I wish, just for a second, time will freeze as I enjoy this moment. Every moment I am here, I realize just how lucky I am. It is almost overwhelming how much I love this place. This place is my beautiful home.

I start walking on the grey pavement looking for the bright Peony flowers. They are aligned against the hotels walls. I smile at the beauty that a flower possess. I keep walking till I get the edge of the house where I grab the green dish to help water. After filling the water I walk to the plants and quickly water them. When that's finished I can't help but feel light spirited. I mean who knows who will be here.

After finishing some of the chores I walk back inside. The sweet smell of bacon and eggs hit my sense and my stomach growls. I jog towards the kitchen. I hear a lovely song get louder as I get closer. Slightly open the door I see Dale and Mary slow dance. Mary smiles brightly as Dale tries singing to her. They laugh as he twirls her. My heart beat speeds up as I feel so much love for them. Dale's bright blue eyes shine bright looking at his lover. The song comes slowly to an end. Dale embraces Mary as he places a hand on her cheek. He speaks softly with the song. "I will never get used to you."

Tears come to my eyes at the love they have for each other.  The way they look at each other is beautiful.

I smile as I push the door open. "Hello Mary and Dale." They both give me a smiling nod. I look to the dark wooden table, to see it covered with delicious foods. "Mmm. Mary this looks delicious." I praise Mary for her hard work. She gives me a grateful smile as she, Dale, and I sit for breakfast. "Mary where is everybody else at?" I ask looking around to only us three. It has been oddly quiet around here. "I sent them on vacation for a little Darling. The two little ones were getting so wild around here lately. They need to see more than just hotel. You will need too as well." Mary gives me a pointed look. My stomach drops at the thought.

"Mary I couldn't possibly leave. I love working here. This is like a vacation." I say crossing my arms. I dislike the thought of ever leaving. Mary and Dale are getting older. That pretty much means they are getting weaker. Plus I have so much to do to thank them for saving me. "Scar. You need a vacation. You need to see the world. You do not owe us anything. Seeing you smile is the only thing we want. We never want to see you like you were when we first found you darling." Dale says as he takes out his cigar from his mouth. "You are so talented Scarlett. What you are doing for your daughter is the most selfless thing I have ever heard. You need to finish school. Meet a boy. Travel the world. That is all I want." Dale says in all seriousness. Dale has to avert his  eyes as he starts coughing. I feel my stomach drop. "Dale why don't you go to a doctor?" I ask worriedly. My eyes don't miss the gesture his wife gives when I say doctor. She squeezes his hand as she looks down. "Is everything alright Dale?" I ask anxiously since he didn't answer. "Pumpkin I am perfectly fine. Just a cold." He gives a reassuring smile. The drop disappears. The worry leaves as well.

I smile but it is removed when Dale and Mary both give me a look. "What?" Mary signs. "Scarlett you need to finish your life." Now its my turn to sign. "School is too expensive. I am needed here, Whether the both of you like to admit it. It'll hurt if I leave." My voice comes out softly. I hate the thought of ever leaving them. They are the closest thing I have to a family. "I know it will hurt but you will live with regret. You say you won't now but you will in the future. You have such a bright future ahead of you and we have never been so proud to call you family Scar. So if you won't do it for yourself, do it for us." Dale gives hopeful eyes. My heart breaks. "Can we talk about this later. I am going to make sure there is no trash outside." Without making eye contact I quickly leave the overwhelming kitchen. My strides move faster towards the door.

Making it outside I jump down the short steps and sprint towards the open area by the entry way. The big space makes the overwhelming feeling disappear. I quickly fall to the ground to relax. I make mental notes to go to the orphanage and the towns center near the market. That is what I normally do on my days and nights off.

It is crazy how one moment you are incredibly happy. Then one thing, just one thing could ruin everything. It was all because of that one night I decided to be by myself. I lost everyone. My friends and my old family. Yet I always held onto her. It's crazy how there is a very strong chance someone will end up hating you later on in life. Yet you did what you did because it was the best decision you could make for them. Because you care. Even though she may not think that it is true.

Something breaks me from my stressed thoughts as I lay there. The sound of rocks and wheels hit the pavement. My ears perk at the noise. My body jumps up to see a very long black car. The car is something I have never seen before. It looks very fancy. I quickly run through the yard to beat the car.

Finally making it, Mary and Dale both come out in their uniforms. Mary hold and quickly puts on my name tag. She throws me a hair tie for my long hair. I threw it up in a rush. My nerves are making my emotions go crazy. I feel completely anxious as I await to see our guests. My eyes widen as I see another long black car come in behind the first. Then after those two vehicles, two more van like cars follow.

Wow. We have never had these many guests all at once.

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