Date Night

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John Luke and Blake are sitting on the couch in Korie and Willie's family room with Macy and Rebecca.

I'm sitting on Sadie's bed ready to go, checking emails and Sadie is finishing her make up.

"Caroline get off your phone" Sadie said.

"I'm just getting a few things done" I said.

"should I wear this instead" Sadie asked holding up another dress.

"No the dress you have on looks hot" I said.

"You look gorgeous" Sadie said

"Thanks," I said "so do you. Are you ready to go?"

"Just one second" Sadie said "let me put on some lipstick."

"Okay, ready" Sadie said.

We walked downstairs and I sat down next to John Luke in the oversized chair. "You look gorgeous" JL said.

"thank you" I said "you sure we can't just stay in and watch movies?"

"You love going out?" Sadie said

"Yeah, when I don't have a to do list that's ten miles long, and there aren't people taking pictures, and I don't have this nagging feeling of guilt for being in Louisiana." I said

"Okay, take a breath" John Luke said "please"

"The pictures have been taken care of, I'll just leave it at that, your to do list is being put on hold for the night, and the guilt you feel because your cousins want you back in Ohio is ridiculous" John Luke said "now come on, we need to get to dinner."

We got into John Luke's truck. "I love you" John Luke said "I known you're having a hard time but just remember I love you."

"I love you too" I said "the third floor is going to be done by the time I come back next."

"Yeah," John Luke said "that'll be good for you."

"It will be good for us, I can be here and work, and we can lay on the couch and watch a movie without interruptions, and I'm going to have that nice deck."

"Yeah, being able to cuddle up and watch a movie without your dad walking in would be nice" John Luke said. "I don't like the idea of you working while you are here."

"JL if I'm here during the school year and I stay for a long weekend, then you are still going to have school during the week, so me being able to get work done during the day would be nice"

"yeah, I guess you're right" John Luke said.

"It's just going to be able to have my own space when my parents aren't getting along."

"You're always welcome at my house" John Luke said.

"right, but if this is supposed to be home, I have to be comfortable, and I love your family but they aren't my family" I said.

"They love you" John Luke said.

"Right, but when we aren't getting along they are your family, they will always take your side" I said "look we don't need to talk about this, I'm just excited to have my own space, so that I can do what I need to do. And we can have a little more privacy."

John Luke parked in front of a picnic table and we got out "Does that mean I'm going to be able to sleepover?"

"No, you can not sleepover" I said

"why can't I sleepover?" Sadie said, her and Blake are sitting at the table.

"Not you , John Luke"

"why not?" John Luke asked.

"We aren't starting that habit. I'm sixteen. On vacation, fine, at the lake, fine. But when your house is less than a mile away, no." I said.

"Just think about it" John Luke said.

"Do you agree?" I said looking at Sadie.

"I'm staying out of it" Sadie said.

"It doesn't matter, it's my bed, I'm saying no," I said.

"alright, we don't have to figure it out tonight" JL said.

"So what's the plan," Sadie said "it's gorgeous out here."

"We are grilling steak" John Luke said pointing to the cooler Blake had brought.

John Luke put the steaks on the grill and pulled out a bottle of wine. "John Luke I have to be up early tomorrow." I said "I have to work out, and help my dad, and then my mom wants me for something."

"One glass? I got your favorite" John Luke said.

"I'll drink if you drink" I said looking at Sadie.

"You need a glass of wine" John Luke said.

"Not tonight" I said.

"Caroline, I bet this is the only date night you and John Luke have the rest of the trip, have a glass of wine" Sadie said.

"Okay" I said, "but you have to have one too."

"Fine" Sadie said.

"Why do you listen to her and not me" John Luke said.

"Because she's the voice of reason, and you're the voice of I want to get laid tonight" I said.

"I would never get you drunk and take advantage" John Luke said.

"I don't mean it that way, but you are hoping for my fun, wild side to come out" I said.

"Yep" John Luke said.

"So New York next week" Sadie said "what if we flew up with you and stayed for a long weekend."

"We who?" I asked taking a sip of my wine.

John Luke and Blake brought the plates of food over. "This looks so good" I said giving John Luke a kiss.

"What if John Luke, Blake and I came up for the weekend" Sadie said.

"Mom would never let you" John Luke said.

"Stop" I said wacking John Luke, "maybe we can pull this off."

"I can come to New York?" JL asked.

"If you spend the time when I'm working with Blake and Sadie, then maybe" I said. "But I was thinking about letting Sam and Lizzie come up, so I have to think it through."

"Maybe think about it, and we can talk about it tomorrow" Sadie said.

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