Part 4

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Kisses were being placed down my neck and i knew exactly who it was.

"Mmm Ryan." I moaned.

He looked up at me and smiled.

"Goodmoring beautiful." He said, while pecking me on the lips.

"Ew beautiful?" I giggled. "I just woke up Ry."

"And you look absolutely gorgeous!" he said.

"You're too sweet." i told him, then kissed him softly.

"Get up love birds we're going to breakfast!" Selena yelled from the other side of the door.

I laughed and stood up, smoothing out my shirt.

"Is it gross if i just wear your shirt and a pair of jean shorts?" I asked Ryan.

"Nope. You look hot in my clothes." He smirked.

I lightly smacked his arm then went to grab my shorts. I quickly slipped them on, grabbed my purse, then put on flip flops.

"Ready?" I asked him.

"One second."

He grabbed a blue snapback and threw it on.

"Now I'm ready." He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and pecked his cheek. He wrapped and arm around my waist as we walked down the steps,

"Finally!" Chaz yelled once he saw us. "I'm starving up in this bitch!"

"Okay chaz." We all said.

Nicole kissed him and that shut him the hell up. Thank God for her.

"Wait before we leave Ryan and I wanna tell yah something."

This definately got everyones attention, especially Justin's.

Ryan grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"We know it's soon but we're dating." Ryan said proudly.

"You're welcome!" Chaz yelled.

"AWWWHH!" Nicole and Selena screamed.

"I'll be back." Justin muttered and then stormed off.

Oh great, here comes the drama.

"I'll go get him." I volunteered.

I followed in the direction he went and found him outside, sitting in the pool chair. I walked out and sat next to him.

"Justin. What's up?"

"How can you date Ryan, Lucy?" He questioned me.

"What are you talking about Justin?"

"You say you like me, but you're dating Ryan? 'Cause if you're trying to make me jealous it's working but why are you using Ryan?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Justin I'm not using Ryan! I actually like him. I'm not trying to make you jealous, that's all you. And i do like you, a lot but i want to be happy, too. I don't want to sit around and watch you and Selena, waiting for the day you break up! You like me and Selena, why can't I like you and Ryan?"

"I never knew it hurt this much." He said softly.

"Just focus on your girlfriend okay? Make her happy, don't worry about Ryan and I."

"I don't know if i can do that, Lucy." He said softly.

"You can. We'll be together someday Justin but until then i want to have a life, too. Now let's get back in there and put a smile on your face please."

I kissed his cheek and stood up, motioning him to come with me.

"Come on Bieber."

He stood up and followed me back inside.

"Can we leave nooooowww?" Chaz whined.

I smacked him on the back of the head and responded 'Yes.' He sprinted out to the car and jump inside with no hesitation. We all laughed then climbed in after.

"Where to?" Justin asked, still sounding a bit upset.

Selena noticed this too, so she reached over and grabbed his hand. He looked up at her and smiled. They're so cute together...

"IHOP!" Chaz and Nicole said at the same time.

"Definately the perfect couple." I whispered to Ryan, who's lap I was currently sitting on.

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing my neck in the proccess.

"Stop!" I muttered.

He continued to kiss my neck, I tilted my head so he could have better access. It took all of my power not to moan.

"Alright lovebirds let's keep the porno to a minimum." Chaz said to us.

I giggled and Ryan punched his arm.

"Fuck, how do they always no where I'm going?!" Justin yelled.

"It's okay Justin." Selena said and kissed his cheek.

He instantly relaxed and sighed.

"What's going on?" i asked out loud.

"Paparazzi." They all said at the same time.

"Just stay close to me and don't let go of my hand okay? And keep your head down." Ryan said.

I simply nodded. I was scared, I have no idea what's going on. Ryan opened the door and that's when the questions started.

"Ryan who is this mystery lady?!"

"Justin, Selena how's the baby coming along?"

"Is Selena pregnant, Justin?"



And that was the last i heard because Ryan shoved me inside, gently of course.

"Are you okay?" Ryan asked franitcly.

"Ry, baby, I'm fine." i replied.

I kissed him lightly, then intertwined our fingers. We got a table in the back, far away from the windows and sat down. Nicole, Selena, and I sat across from Chaz, Justin, and Ryan, in that order. Once we finished breakfast, we headed home. Once we arrived all the couples just split to do there own thing. Selena and Justin were in the basement, Nicole and Chaz were in the living room, and Ryan and I were in my room.

Justin Bieber is my Step Brother. (A Justin Bieber love story)Where stories live. Discover now