Explanations and Revelations

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One of the guys' POV's today upon request :P


Sehren's POV

I tap my fingers against the sides of m cell. Do I try to minimize the situation and make it seem like Kam's just overreacting? Somehow I doubt that will work. But I can't feed in to Salem's already off he charts overprotective instincts either. He needs to stay at home with Briar and I know if he thinks anything--and I do mean anything--I going on with the guys he'll be hauling ass to school with Briar in tow.

Completely ignoring Mr. Evans and his oh-so-fascinating spiel on the usefulness of limits, I type in my reply, triple checking it afterwards. "I know, I'm sorry I should have texted you when I got here. I went to the office to inform them that you and Briar are out sick and Mrs. Reynolds introduced me to a group of students transferring here. She asked me to show them around. How could I say no, Say? Besides I'm sure after first period they'll find a new tour guide and I'll be off the hook :)"

Perfect! The message is vague enough that he shouldn't fish out any extra information to find offensive but detailed enough so that he knows what's going on. For now I'll just keep their supernatural status to myself. Salem freaks out enough at the thought of me even talking to normal guys, he'd feel downright murderous to find out I was conversing with 7 attractive supernatural guys.


Sterling's POV

I twirl my necklace around between my fingers. The Looking Glass is sacred in my family, I gift from my father when I came of age.

Shiny glass.

Transparent glass.

See the world through the glass.

Everything can be accessed with the glass.

Giving my head a quick shake I catch sight of the girl. She's short and cute as a bunny but not quite right. Not right at all. I tilt my head this way and that watching as she frowns over her cell and bites her lap, then she's tapping. Tapping so fast I'm mesmerized.

Tap, tap, tap just like a clock goes tick tock, tick tock.

Soothing, calming, it's just like home. Dad collects clocks, hangs them in every room on the walls, ceilings and doors, sometimes even tacks them to the floors. I pat the wrist watch I'm wearing, then the pocket watch and finally the spare I keep in my front pocket.

The girl doesn't wear a watch, perhaps she'll want my spare, at least until she can find one or I can make her a better one.

It'll be a necklace, in silver, with a locket etched with stars. Her name means star, I wonder if she knows that? Her hair shines like the stars, a silvery color, strands so long and pale. Pale like her skin. Pale like the snow.

I hold up the Looking Glass. Golden edges worn but gleaming, the lens clear and uncolored. Bringing it up to my eye I focus on my little star watching as colors shift and burst around her form. The Glass lets me see beyond, let's me see in. Her emotions are all over the place, like a game of tug of war.

Back and forth, back and forth.

Green and blue, green and blue.

Swirls of yellow, curls of black and stripes of lilac entwine, dancing within the blue and green mass.

Happy, jealous, sad, curious and afraid. Surface emotions at best but a dichotomy no less!

Carefully lowering the Glass to lie on my chest I swivel around fully, I need to be facing her to do this. A part of me wonders if she'll push me away as she did Viktor and, in a way, I hope she will.

My little star is much more than a demon/human cross. One look and I knew but what she is, I have no clue.

Slowly and carefully I open up my mental blocks, peeling them back one layer at a time. Emotions begin to trickle: fear, anxiety, excitement, curiosity. It's enough to drive one mad, if they aren't already there.

Breathe in, breathe out, focus on the clocks.





I focus solely on my little star using more concentration than I knew I was capable of.

There's a mild buzzing. Her eyes connect with mine, a vibrant hazel with the brightest of golds and greenest of gems swirled into perfect, wide circles. Circles that narrow slowly.

It hits me like a burst, like a bullet fired to kill.

Suspicion, and then



I'm curious to see if people can tell who Sterling is, or more accurately who his parents are. I gave some of the guys parental figures from books that I love. And if you do know who's kid he is please tell me if I completely missed the mark, I'm running on green tea and cheezies right now.

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