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I'm in one of my parent's friend's restaurant right now talking to my friend, Tori, through snapchat. I had just gotten off of school but my parents decided to drag me here. Oh well, as long as I get my free drinks then I don't care, although Fernando is pretty cool, I don't mind him.

I'm sitting at the counter right now taking a sip of my Orange Fanta but from the glass bottles imported from Mexico. Ya know, the ones that taste way better because they have real sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup. As I'm putting my bottle back down, I get a notification that I got a message from Tori.

I've known Tori since she was in the sixth grade and I was in the eighth grade. She always looked up to me for some reason, I thought it was cool because nobody ever really looks up to me. We're in high school together now though, I remember she had been waiting for this since I left her behind in middle school.

Since she's a new freshman, I like to remind her that at least she knows a big, bad junior. She always laughs at me when I say that though. But these past few days I've been feeling different. I'm noticing little things I didn't notice before, like how perfectly her hair curls and the way her hair parts. The way her eyes light up me she sees me and how beautiful her dimple is.

The thing is when we were in middle school with Tori's hair being blonde and really curly, everyone knew her as Goldilocks. It's makes me laugh to this day because it fit her so perfectly, and in a way, she loved the name. On my last day in middle school she even signed my yearbook with that name.

I call her by it every now and then too, just to see if she responds to it because it was just once of those names you live with all through middle school. After reminiscing about the good old days when we're were stress free without a care in the world, I open the message she sent me.

T: Hey, y/n, I have something to tell you. I wanna see if you're able to guess first.

Y: lol Tori, I don't feel like guessing

T: no, please guess. It's about my new crush, pleaseeee

Y: fine but my guesses are gonna be short worded

T: yayyyy :)

Y: it a person we go to school with

T: yesss

Y: your grade or higher?

T: higher

Y: my grade? Or senior?

T: your grade :)

Y: okay so they're a junior that goes to our school, um boy?

T: noooope

Y: okay so, girl that's a junior, do I know her?

T: yes keep going

Y: idk Tori shit, does she ride our bus or what?

T:...yes...keep going, you're getting warmer ;)

Oh my god please don't tell me it's who I think it is. Of course the universe always has to work this way. Just relax y/n, she's not even gonna say it's you. I'm just freaking out over nothing. Okay, shit lets get this over with.

Y: our stop or somewhere else?

T: our stop

Shit shit shit I can feel my anxiety getting worse by the minute. Chill y/n. I took a sip of my soda to calm my nerves a bit. Why am I even this nervous, I don't even like her that way. Do I? No, I don't. I still hate-like Winter. Fuck.

Y: have you known her for a while now?

T: yes...

Y: you talking to her rn?

T: how'd you guess...

Y: Tori... Is it me?

Don't say yes. Don't say yes.

T: I have a crush on you, y/n... I started feeling it a while ago.

Y:... Tori, really?

T: yeah... The thing is you're so nice and smart, anytime I ask you anything you always have an answer to it. I like that about you :) and you're so cool and pretty, everyone knows you at school. You know exactly what you do to the girls at school anyway.

Shit. Why now? I'm still trying to get over Winter, why fucking now? But, I've felt the connection since we were younger, we're older know. I can handle this like a mature adult, I think. Okay here goes.

Y: it's fine Tori, because... I've had this feeling about you recently. I guess I just didn't wanna admit it to myself with this whole Spring Break/Winter situation.

T: it's okay, y/n, I didn't expect you to like me back... I just wanted to get it off my chest.

Y: let's just see what happens next, is that okay?

T: ok, y/n :)

Y: ok, well I gtg bc I'm leaving this restaurant, I'll talk to you in a bit

T: that's fine :) byee

Y: bye Tori :)

I hope I don't mess anything up. I still have to come to full terms with all of this. But I feel that when I do, it's gonna hit me like a truck. I just hope I don't have a panic attack when it happens. If I go through with this feeling, I just don't wanna get played. I've been played too hard by just one girl, I don't think I would be able to come back from this one if it happened again. Ugh, why can't we just go back to middle school when I was the school DJ and she was Goldilocks. I miss that.

A/N: this one is a little bit shorter but there's a part 2 coming soon. Lemme know what you guys think. Love y'all, xo.

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