Chapter 7

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Elewarts Academy Chapter 7: Fire vs Fire

Fire's Point of View

Tsk this guys is weak! Totally weak! I saw him smirk and then The legendary phoenix came out. He dared to summon First to fucking fight me? Great! I'm ready to beat First's ass for a thousand time *smirk*

"Shit! Why did this guy summon me?! Arghh!! " - First said. Tch he's just scared to feel my power.

This is the end of you bitch! - The guy in front me said. The end of me? I have no end because I'm immortal! This guy is really stupid. First made the first move *smirk*

"Sorry Empress I need to harm you. Tch my stupid oh called master is commanding me! " - First said through telepathy. Well he could have just disobeyed that guy. =_= Sometimes first isn't using his fucking head

My end? I don't think so. - I murmured and I raise my right hand and I release some of my will-o-wisp fire or it's also known as fox fire. My fox fire attack First. 

Wow! Fox Fire vs The Phoenix!

Weak naman ng fox fire eh! siguradong talo yan!

Weak? Well my fox fire isn't weak. My fox fire is a million times stronger than any other fox fire. I snap my fingers and some marks appeared on First body. Those marks are from my fox fire's attacks. Well I say to to you my fox fire is pretty dangerous especially if it causes damage to your body.

"Shit! Not again!" - First said in his mind

What the hell is happening?!! - My opponent said

Figure it out. - I coldly said and again I snap my fingers and there appeared fire binds on First body.

"Shit! Let me go Empress! Please!" - First pleaded

What's wrong Phoenix?! -Tsk ignorant just as I expected. And how dare he call my First "Phoenix" Damn this guy! He doesn't know this Phoenix name! I'm gonna make him pay for that crap!

~koo, koo  (Dark Angel: Sorry sa sound effects lol)

Tsk First is screaming because of pain 

Arghh! Damn you're useless! - He said and that made my blood boil! How could he say that First is useless!! Damn him!

I made my binds and fire  fox disappear and made the fighting arena burn in red flames! I'm angry! Really angry!

Woaaahhh anong nangyayari?!

Kaninong power kaya yan?!

I think kay fafa Blaze yan! 

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