Chapter 1

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It was raining outside, gloomy even, a perfect day to stay in bed. To bad he wasn't so lucky. Kayne curled himself around the blonde man under the sheets with him, his hands caressing the moon pale skin. Softly he left a trail of kisses along the smaller man's shoulder's, approaching his neck he bit down.

"Ah! Shit!" He whipped around, delivering a forceful thwack with his pillow. "Your a fucking asshole Kayne!"

"You know it." He held him tighter as he tried to shove the brunette away, the repetitive pillow assault doing little to deter him.

"And here I thought you could go twenty minutes without being a prick. Let me go!" Malikai squirmed.

"I can't, it's in my blood." Kayne continued kissing and nipping at the blondes chest.

"Well, I'm about to shed it if you don't step off!" He wrestled an arm free, only to have it captured and pinned to the mattress along with the other.

"Step off? Such big words for such a small little fucker." Kayne smirked, kissing him quickly.

Malikai growled. Slipping free and grabbing a hold of Kayne he struggled,  managing to roll them over and return the favor. Leaning down he gave the brunette a more passionate kiss. "It's not nice to poke a sleeping bear."

"I'll poke you somewhere else next time. How's that?" He grinned his cocky little smile.

"Just use lube." Malikai smacked him on the chest.

"I'll consider it." He laughed.

They looked over as Kayne's phone buzzed on the night stand.

"No!" Malikai reached for it a moment to late.

Kayne snapped the phone open, wrestling with the blonde. "It's work, don't have a rack attack. Hello?"

Malikai fought for the phone, arms flailing.

"Okay, yeah, I'll be right over." He snapped the cell closed. "Gotta go."

"What?! Come on!" Malikai locked his arms around the man's neck as he rose from the bed.

Placing his hand firmly in the center of the blondes chest he shoved, tossing his naked form back into the sheets. "I'm afraid so. I'll be back later. Don't wait up."

"It's only eleven, where the hell are you going?" The blonde watched as Kayne tightened his belt.

"I don't know, wherever the boss tells me." Kayne threw a t-shirt on and grabbed his keys.

"Hey, Kayne!" Malikai scrambled across the bed. "Don't forget your phone." Pitching the cell at the man's  his head.

"Oh." Snapping a hand up he caught it inches from his face. "Thanks love." The brunette winked, closing the door behind him.

The Compound

"About time." Abbot jibbed, typing away at his computer. "Did I interrupt something?" He pouted innocently.

"As much as you disturb my sex life it's hard to believe you don't have my apartment bugged." Kayne plopped down into a chair.

"If you call that an apartment." Abbot huffed, retaining his innocent smile.

"What did you bring me here for smart ass?" Kayne held his hand out.

"Don't get your panties in a wad. Here." The hacker slapped a manila envelope into his hand. "Loyd Watson, 36, Tax Adviser. Wife and daughter killed in a car accident involving a one Mr. Richard Crouse. Mr. Crouse survived with minor injuries, but Mrs. Watson died on impact, the daughter and hour later in the hospital due to... internal hemorrhaging. Client is requesting, quick and painless, surprisingly. A meeting is set up to confirm identity at Unit 568. He seems like a harmless man, don't scare him."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2016 ⏰

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