Chapter 1

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YOUR POV (5 years old)
I looked at the titan in front of me and smiled, it was kinda weird that I can communicate with these man eating beasts "(Y/n)! Come here sweet!" I heard my mommy called and I turned my head behind to see my mommy and daddy "Mommy! Daddy! I made a new friend!" I said pointing at the titan who was on its knees. I knew mommy and daddy knew about my special gift "That's nice, sweet...... I hope you two become great friends" mommy said smiling and daddy picked me up making me squeal "Daddy! Hehehe!" I giggled as daddy tickled my feet which I didn't have my shoes on since I like to feel the dirt between my toe.

I hugged daddy "Sweet, how about you go play with your little woodland friends?" Mommy asked me and I nodded "Okay, mommy!" I said as daddy put me down. I ran over to the titan and patted it's nose "Come on! Let's go play!" I said smiling and it purred then we went to a pond I always play with my woodland friends.

I watched my little girl walked away with the titan then I turned to May (your mother) "We have to tell her some day" I said with a sigh and May nodded "Yes, but I want her to be happy.....she's too young to know what's going on now" she said and I pulled her into a hug "It's alright....I want her to be happy as well" I said and heard the sound of hooves and shouts "Kai and May (L/n) are ordered to be killed by the king" I turned to see the head officer of the Military Police and I narrowed my eyes "Why now!! Why can't you leave us in peace!!" I shouted getting out my 3DMG swords "You did unbelievable crimes! You must pay for the crimes by execution!" My eyes widen and May started to cry.

I felt something go through my stomach and I looked down to a sword was lodged in my stomach "Kai?! No!!" I heard May shouted and I looked at her to see she was on the ground, limp and a pool of blood was around her head. I looked at the Military Police "DADDY?! MOMMY?!" I turn my head to see (Y/n) looking at me from the top of a hill, I saw tears glisten as they fell of her cheeks "I love you, my gifted girl" I whispered with my last breath and I fell to the ground and I went to the light.

I looked at mommy and daddy as they were on the ground, limp and blood around them. I looked at the titan behind me and I pointed at the people who kill mommy and daddy "Kill them" I whispered and it started to attack the people. I ran towards daddy "Daddy?! Daddy, wake up?! Don't leave me alone?!" I cried shaking him and I got no response making me cry in his chest.

I heard the sound of hooves coming towards me making me look up to see Daddy's horse, a black and white stallion named Esprit. I got up and went over to him then I looked back to see some of the people fleeing away and my Titan friend laid on the ground, dead as well "Come on , Esprit.....let's get out of here" I said and I pulled myself up on his back then he ran away and I didn't want look back to see my friend all dead.

|TIMESKIP|MANY YEARS LATER|(Ok so now your the same age as Eren, Mikasa, and Armin when the colossal titan attacked|
I walked around inside of the walls and left Esprit outside the wall. I noticed a boy being bullied by a bunch of bigger kids "Oi..... Get your hands off him" I said loudly getting their attentions "Oh yeah....what's a little g-" I kicked his head with a massive amount of force making him fall to the ground "Let's get out of here!!" They ran away from me and the boy next to me.

I looked at the boy "T-thank y-you....U-um" I smiled a bit "(Y/n)" I said as I helped him up to his feet "I'm A-Armin!" He said and I nodded "Hey?! Leave Him Alone?!" I turned my head to see a boy the same age as me and Armin and a girl running behind him. I was about to attack them but Armin stepped in front of me "Wait?! She's the one who saved me from those bullies!!" Armin said as they came closer. I turned around and walked away leaving Armin with his friends "Wait! (Y/n)!" I turned around to see Armin coming up to me "Why don't you come hang with us?" He asked me and I shook my head "Sorry, I can't but thanks" I said before running away from Armin and his friends.

I slowed down a bit once I saw the gate, I looked up to see a titan with its head over the wall. I looked at it and I ran away from the gate once it kicked the wall letting big chunks of stone fly into the street, homes and hitting people as well. I got out my 3DMG and I started to fly around, landing on the rooftops. I looked around to see Armin and his friends trying to help someone who was underneath a cracked house, I jumped off the rooftop and started to run towards them "Oi.....let me try" I said coming up to them making them look at me "(Y/n)! Help us!" Armin said as I placed my hands under the beam and I started to lifted it.

I could hear my bones pop as I made the beam go up and I saw a creepy smiling titan coming towards us "Go! Go save yourself! Leave me here!" The woman shouted as she looked at me "Take them to the boats! Save them and yourself! Leave me here!!" She said and I nodded then let the beam go. I turned to them and threw the boy with turquoise eyes over my left shoulder and the girl under my right arm "Hey?! We Have To Save My Mom?! Mom!?" The boy shouted as I looked at Armin "Keep up and don't look back" I said before running with Armin next to me.

I looked behind me to see the titan pick up the woman and it opened its jaws then placed the woman in its mouth only to crush the woman making petals of blood come out. I looked ahead and we ran away from the titan, I saw many Stationary Guards telling the people to go to the boats "Come on! Get to the boats!" One of the guards said coming up to me and took the boy and girl away "Take them to the boats..... I have to go somewhere" I said stepping away before running to where Esprit is "Hey?! Kid, Come Back?!" I heard the guard shout as I disappeared from their sights.

I looked around then went to Esprit, who was eating grass "Alright, let's get out of here" I said as I got on his back. He started to gallop away and I looked back to see smoke and flames from behind then I looked forward.

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