Motionless Tattoo And Piercings

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Balz POV

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Jey took the babies with her for the day. Her and some guy who was helping her with her tattoo shop, I think his name is John, were out talking to some guy about buying the place where her shop was, and then he was going to start picking things up to start setting it up, then the two were gonna arrange how they were going to set things up. I wasn't worried about her being with some guy, but it was the fact she had Les and Merc with her and she just met him yesterday, I was kinda jittery.

There was a knock and when I opened the door, Angelo stood there grinning.

"hey, Ang!" i greeted excitedly.

"hey! Where's my new niece and nephew?" he asked.

"Jey has them out for the day." i said. "but you can see mine and Chris's awesome art work that is their nursery." he nodded and I led him up the steps and into the room.

"wow. Fancy. Cute. I like it." he said.

"Thanks." i smiled. We ended up talking for a while until I heard my phone ring. I picked it up and saw our managers name. What would he want?

"Balz!" he shouted as I answered.

"what?" i asked.

"first congrats on your kids." he started "and second, I'd hate to do this.... But tour.... Mayhem Fest is coming up and-" i cut him off.

"no. My family needs me for a while and I'm not leaving. And i need to plan a wedding." i said.

"Josh, this isn't a choice. This has to be done. You guys agreed last year." We did... I forgot....

"shit! Let me at least talk to my fiance first." i said and hung up. He text me moments later.

"You have one day" the text read. I groaned and sat the phone down. A little while later Jey walked in. I walked over and kissed her letting my lips linger on hers. Angelo cleared his throat and I turned to see him giving me a look as if to say 'Tell her'. I winced.

"hey, Angelo... Could you watch Lestat and Mercy for a few? I need to talk to Jey..." i said he nodded smiling before i grabbed Jey's hand and leading her up the steps and into our room.

"Sooooo what do we need to talk about?" she asked.

"well.... You see.... Urm... Uh... You remember Tom... Right? Motionless's manager...." i started off.

"You guys have tour..." she said

"mayhem. You told me months ago about it." she laughed. "I'm already prepared. Onyx said she would help with Lestat and Mercy while you are away. It's sorted." i let out a breath I didn't know I was holding then smiled.

"I don't want to leave you guys." i smiled.

"i know... I don't want you to leave either... But you can't disappoint your fans. They need you..." she whispered.

"You need me, too...." i felt tears fill my eyes. I truly didn't want to leave ever again.... I wanted to be with her always and forever...

"I'll be okay.... I'll have Onyx, Gerard, Lindsay, Angelo, and Alen..." she whispered. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly.

~One Week Later~

Jey's POV

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I woke up to the sound of Mercy crying and walked into the nursery before Lestat woke up. I got her to sleep quickly then walked back and crawled into my empty bed with tears threatening to fall. Biting my lip, I got back up and walked down to the second floor and found one of Josh's acoustic guitars. I hadn't played in a while, but I remembered some. I started strumming the acoustic version of Miles Away by Memphis May Fire. I got to the chorus and started singing.

My Love To Give (Josh Balz{Motionless In White} Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now