Chapter Forty-Eight

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It was one of the longest days of Steve's life. After Office Tyburn left (without any Miranda rights or handcuffs involved,) Steve slumped into one of the most uncomfortable chairs he'd ever been in, and watched News Jersey Twelve's loop of news coverage until his eyes burned.

Around four o'clock, Dee called to see how Aislinn was doing and all Steve knew was that she was still sleeping in recovery. By five-thirty, he was concerned. At seven, he was ready to kill.

At eight-thirty, a nurse in cranberry colored scrubs came into the waiting room. "Steve Molinaro?"

"Thank God!" He shoved up from the chair. "Aislinn's been moved to her room?"

"She has. She's been asking for you, so we should get you to her as soon as possible." The nurse smiled. "Come with me."

She led him to the elevator bank and punched in for third floor. "She'll be here a day or two, but it shouldn't be much longer than that. She was so lucky."

"I know. She's amazing."

The nurse paused outside Room 322 and pushed the door open a crack. "Mrs. Molinaro? Your husband's here."

"Thank the gods."

Steve smiled, even though Aislinn sounded exhausted. "Thank you," he said to the nurse as he pushed the door wider.

"You're welcome. And Mrs. Molinaro, you better remember to rest."

"I will."

Steve held his breath as he stepped into the darkened room. The shades were drawn, and her room overlooked the emergency room parking deck. He could just make out the Denali parked in the last spot before the overhang.

Aislinn's eyes were closed and he was thankful for it because as he came around the corner, his eyes stung all over again. She looked even paler than usual, an IV taped into her right arm on a slow drip. It looked like she'd been given a chest tube as well, and that didn't look at all comfortable.

But she was alive and that was all he cared about.

He crept up, slipping his hand beneath hers, whispering, "Hey, baby," as her fingers tightened about his.

Her eyelids slowly rose and a faint smile touched her lips. "Hey, yourself, Steve."

His eyes misted over as she wiggled her free fingers and a chair appeared for him. Without letting go of her, he sank into it. "You scared the shit out of me and freaked the fuck out of the doctor, you know."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"For which?"

"Scaring you."

"You told them you were my wife?"

"I had to, didn't I? They wouldn't tell you anything otherwise. Isn't that how it works here?"

"Yeah, I think. I don't know. Christ, what happened?"

"Jenna showed up." Aislinn winced as she shifted. "And I thought I was being smart. I didn't open the storm door and I told her she should really just go. But she just kept talking. And you know, I actually felt sorry for her. She's so pathetic... I pity her. Or, I did. Now, I just want to show her what Asgardian justice is."

Without thinking, Steve tightened his hand around hers. "Wait, Jenna did this?"

She nodded slowly. "I didn't even see the gun. Just the flash. And holy hell, do you know how much it hurts to get shot in the chest?"

"Can't say that I do." Steve stretched to skim his free hand over her hair. "Honey, the cops think I did this."


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